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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Morgan Webb rants about Super Mario Galaxy 2, hilariously bad reasons

Khuutra said:

This isn't going to go anywhere. You gain nothing from continuing this, and neither does Rpruett.

You could be replaying FFIX, or actually buying SMG2.

I have SMG2 and have 92 stars so far.

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dtewi said:
Rpruett said:

1.)  Wait so a game that is has colorful graphics and non-sensical characters isn't like by someone because they said they felt it had too much colorful graphics and non-sensical characters?  Isn't that again the very foundation of a basic opinion.  She feels it is over-done.  Over the top.  Too Cartoony.   Who are you to say which degree is too cartoony.

2.)  Again,  some people are picky SOBs.  That 30 minutesof 2D might have really been a deal breaker for her.  It's just like anything else.  Kill Zone 2 got panned critically for it's controls because they didn't resemble Call of Duty's.  (Well no shit it's a different game), but that doesn't matter.  Everyone has an opinion on a subject.   An incorrect opinion on this would be her saying that a game that contains NO 2D, has too much 2D.  Since this game has 2D portions, she is incorrect in her opinion.

3.)  Again, they are different games.  Maybe she felt they were fitting with what was being presented in the game.  Maybe she has different expectations from DS games or Wii games.  A console with more horsepower than a handheld you might hold with different regards in terms of appearance and how games should look.   Ratchet and Clank is a totally different ball of wax.   Just because Ratchet and Clank is a cartoon game doesn't mean it suddenly is Mario's equivalent in cartoon appearance.  Maybe, she feels that Ratchet and Clank is the right amount of Cartoony and Mario is too much.  I certainly would say in my opinion that R&C is less cartoony than SMG. (Even though both are cartoons).  Again, you can't prove this point.

4.)  People dislike games for different things all the time.  People complain about swearing in games. People complain about controls, appearance, etc.  What's your point?   The points she raises certainly exist in the game and while some people love them, some might absolutely hate them.  Thus making the opinion valid (Able to be questioned, but still valid).   There is enough 2D in the game for someone to be bothered by it obviously and I'm sure she isn't the only one saying it.     Just because she didn't do the routine ball wash of Super Mario Galaxy 2 doesn't mean she is biased.


Look, you're just making shit up. You're trying to back up her opinion of it being too cartoony by bringing up things she's never even said before. The game is no more cartoony than the DS games yet she loves those. She is being a hypocrite, she didn't mention the degree of cartooniness, just that she is an adult and doesn't want cartoony games even though she's played them.


2) She's being irrational saying she wants more 3D. 30 minutes of 2D gameplay is by far not a deal breaker.

4) Because she's making up reasons to not like Super Mario Galaxy 2!

She says she's an adult who doesn't like cartoon-styled game even though she's admitted to liking to them. What's your response to that?

She is on the spot, live talking about the game.  Maybe she didn't express her opinion in full?  Regardless, you can't say what game is cartoony and which one isn't.  You can't tell someone what they see.   She felt the game was too cartoony.  It's a logical opinion because the game is cartoony.  She felt it needed less cartoony-ness and more 3D.  Both logical complaints about the game.  Maybe she detests the art design in the game but loves the DS ones.  Who knows.  They are two different games and while you can tell the resemblance, they are from two different spectrums.

For some people expecting a full immersive 3d experience, 30 minutes is quite a deal breaker.  If Uncharted 2 switched up mid game to some 2D mini game people would be bitching up a storm about it.

How does disliking elements (that are present in a game) constitute as fabricating reasons to dislike a game?

She thinks the game is too cartoony.  She wanted something less cartoony out of Mario Galaxy.  She doesn't dislike cartoony games she just felt this one in particular was TOO cartoony. 

Rpruett said:

She is on the spot, live talking about the game.  Maybe she didn't express her opinion in full?  Regardless, you can't say what game is cartoony and which one isn't.  You can't tell someone what they see.   She felt the game was too cartoony.  It's a logical opinion because the game is cartoony.  She felt it needed less cartoony-ness and more 3D.  Both logical complaints about the game.  Maybe she detests the art design in the game but loves the DS ones.  Who knows.  They are two different games and while you can tell the resemblance, they are from two different spectrums.

For some people expecting a full immersive 3d experience, 30 minutes is quite a deal breaker.  If Uncharted 2 switched up mid game to some 2D mini game people would be bitching up a storm about it.

How does disliking elements (that are present in a game) constitute as fabricating reasons to dislike a game?

She thinks the game is too cartoony.  She wanted something less cartoony out of Mario Galaxy.  She doesn't dislike cartoony games she just felt this one in particular was TOO cartoony. 

Haha, I find it funny how much you're defending her even though she's obviously being irrational.

Note: She didn't say she didn't like 2D, she just wanted more 3D. You're making something up to defend her "More 3D" statement.

Note: Mario games are cartoony and she should know this fact. She should not expect more mature content such as guns or the game sticking to the Brown and Gray palettes. She is irrational in this regard due to the fact that other Mario games which she like are cartoony and Nintendo would not change the art style.

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Sugu yoko de waratteita

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I will never leave you

dtewi said:
Rpruett said:

Removing redundancies. Things like new levels(seriously?).  Every game has 'new levels'.   I'm talking on a legitimate sense.  These above are the 'improvements' to the Mario series in 14 years. 

- Linearity

- Star Bits


-Playable Characters

- Walking on 3D Surfaces

I would say a good portion of those features we have witnessed games add between sequels in the same generation a year or two apart.  14 years later and one of the big innovations is 'Collecting Star Bits?'.  Since when is Linearity something that is applauded?   You're making my case for me.

You're being a troll you know.

"I want majah differences from a sequal! Raaaaghh!"

You're saying Gran Turismo has had more changes even though it is still just driving.

Mario will always and forever be jumping.

And yes, gravity is a fucking huge change since almost every level centers around that idea.

Far from it.  I have no intent to troll.  I own every Nintendo console dating back to NES (Although a damn power surge fried my NES). (On a personal sense, I will say I've been disappointed by Gamecube / Wii ) but loved my N64. Regardless,  I'm actually not talking as much about Super Mario Galaxy 2 not being a good game.  I've never said a word about the differences between Galaxy vs Galaxy 2.  It's a sequel, if you liked Galaxy you should like Galaxy 2.   They should be very similar. 

My talking point,  was in vein of the entire 3D Mario series (Although IMHO it's not limited to the 3D Mario series, I have legitimate beefs with Smash Brothers for Wii as well.).   I don't believe Mario has to stop being about jumping, nor do I believe Gran Turismo has to be more than driving.  I do believe that Gran Turismo has made thousands upon thousands of little changes that have had an effect on the gameplay of the game.  And furthermore it's developers have really pushed the limits visually.   

I feel that the Mario series has really stagnated in this regard.  I mean, Mario should be about jumping, but do we really need the same triple jump, etc in a Mario released 14 years later?   I feel like it's time to move on from some gameplay elements that were 'awesome', 'never before seen', etc back in 1996 and start re-tooling the franchise for the future.

She didn't want "more 3D". She wanted "a more 3D look".

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Khuutra said:

She didn't want "more 3D". She wanted "a more 3D look".

Well, that could have spared us a lot of needless debate.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Rpruett said:

Far from it.  I have no intent to troll.  I own every Nintendo console dating back to NES (Although a damn power surge fried my NES). (On a personal sense, I will say I've been disappointed by Gamecube / Wii ) but loved my N64. Regardless,  I'm actually not talking as much about Super Mario Galaxy 2 not being a good game.  I've never said a word about the differences between Galaxy vs Galaxy 2.  It's a sequel, if you liked Galaxy you should like Galaxy 2.   They should be very similar. 

My talking point,  was in vein of the entire 3D Mario series (Although IMHO it's not limited to the 3D Mario series, I have legitimate beefs with Smash Brothers for Wii as well.).   I don't believe Mario has to stop being about jumping, nor do I believe Gran Turismo has to be more than driving.  I do believe that Gran Turismo has made thousands upon thousands of little changes that have had an effect on the gameplay of the game.  And furthermore it's developers have really pushed the limits visually.   

I feel that the Mario series has really stagnated in this regard.  I mean, Mario should be about jumping, but do we really need the same triple jump, etc in a Mario released 14 years later?   I feel like it's time to move on from some gameplay elements that were 'awesome', 'never before seen', etc back in 1996 and start re-tooling the franchise for the future.

Mario Sunshine was a radical departure. And Galaxy introduced huge concepts which change every level.

I seriously don't know what you want from Nintendo.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

dtewi said:

Haha, I find it funny how much you're defending her even though she's obviously being irrational.

Note: She didn't say she didn't like 2D, she just wanted more 3D. You're making something up to defend her "More 3D" statement.

Note: Mario games are cartoony and she should know this fact. She should not expect more mature content such as guns or the game sticking to the Brown and Gray palettes. She is irrational in this regard due to the fact that other Mario games which she like are cartoony and Nintendo would not change the art style.

Likewise, I find it really funny that it truly bothers you that she doesn't really love Galaxy 2.  Her opinions aren't irrational as I have stated.  For them to be irrational,  she would need to make a statement like (This game has too much 2D!! *In a game that has no 2D). 

Regardless,  30 minutes of 2D is 30 more minutes of 3D she could have played...Correct? 

She never mentioned guns, or gore or Brown and Gray palettes.  She is not irrational in this regard because while other Mario games are cartoony, they have varying levels of cartoony as they are different games, on different systems,  with different art styles. 


Now, If she loved, really enjoyed, the original  Super Mario Galaxy ...(Which I have no idea) than she is a hypocrite for the reasons listed and is being irrational.  But only If the above holds true.  Otherwise, she is fine in her complaints. 

dtewi said:
Rpruett said:

Far from it.  I have no intent to troll.  I own every Nintendo console dating back to NES (Although a damn power surge fried my NES). (On a personal sense, I will say I've been disappointed by Gamecube / Wii ) but loved my N64. Regardless,  I'm actually not talking as much about Super Mario Galaxy 2 not being a good game.  I've never said a word about the differences between Galaxy vs Galaxy 2.  It's a sequel, if you liked Galaxy you should like Galaxy 2.   They should be very similar. 

My talking point,  was in vein of the entire 3D Mario series (Although IMHO it's not limited to the 3D Mario series, I have legitimate beefs with Smash Brothers for Wii as well.).   I don't believe Mario has to stop being about jumping, nor do I believe Gran Turismo has to be more than driving.  I do believe that Gran Turismo has made thousands upon thousands of little changes that have had an effect on the gameplay of the game.  And furthermore it's developers have really pushed the limits visually.   

I feel that the Mario series has really stagnated in this regard.  I mean, Mario should be about jumping, but do we really need the same triple jump, etc in a Mario released 14 years later?   I feel like it's time to move on from some gameplay elements that were 'awesome', 'never before seen', etc back in 1996 and start re-tooling the franchise for the future.

Mario Sunshine was a radical departure. And Galaxy introduced huge concepts which change every level.

I seriously don't know what you want from Nintendo.

On a simplistic sense?  Something that is still true to Mario but is new.  I want a new Mario game,  not a Mario game that controls the same as the last 4..Over a 14 year time span.  I feel all Mario since 64 have been very comparable.

LIkewise, the GT series have been very comparable since the first game in 1997.


You just don't make any sense and your arguments are so empty they're a real pain to read.