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dtewi said:
Rpruett said:

Removing redundancies. Things like new levels(seriously?).  Every game has 'new levels'.   I'm talking on a legitimate sense.  These above are the 'improvements' to the Mario series in 14 years. 

- Linearity

- Star Bits


-Playable Characters

- Walking on 3D Surfaces

I would say a good portion of those features we have witnessed games add between sequels in the same generation a year or two apart.  14 years later and one of the big innovations is 'Collecting Star Bits?'.  Since when is Linearity something that is applauded?   You're making my case for me.

You're being a troll you know.

"I want majah differences from a sequal! Raaaaghh!"

You're saying Gran Turismo has had more changes even though it is still just driving.

Mario will always and forever be jumping.

And yes, gravity is a fucking huge change since almost every level centers around that idea.

Far from it.  I have no intent to troll.  I own every Nintendo console dating back to NES (Although a damn power surge fried my NES). (On a personal sense, I will say I've been disappointed by Gamecube / Wii ) but loved my N64. Regardless,  I'm actually not talking as much about Super Mario Galaxy 2 not being a good game.  I've never said a word about the differences between Galaxy vs Galaxy 2.  It's a sequel, if you liked Galaxy you should like Galaxy 2.   They should be very similar. 

My talking point,  was in vein of the entire 3D Mario series (Although IMHO it's not limited to the 3D Mario series, I have legitimate beefs with Smash Brothers for Wii as well.).   I don't believe Mario has to stop being about jumping, nor do I believe Gran Turismo has to be more than driving.  I do believe that Gran Turismo has made thousands upon thousands of little changes that have had an effect on the gameplay of the game.  And furthermore it's developers have really pushed the limits visually.   

I feel that the Mario series has really stagnated in this regard.  I mean, Mario should be about jumping, but do we really need the same triple jump, etc in a Mario released 14 years later?   I feel like it's time to move on from some gameplay elements that were 'awesome', 'never before seen', etc back in 1996 and start re-tooling the franchise for the future.