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Rpruett said:

She is on the spot, live talking about the game.  Maybe she didn't express her opinion in full?  Regardless, you can't say what game is cartoony and which one isn't.  You can't tell someone what they see.   She felt the game was too cartoony.  It's a logical opinion because the game is cartoony.  She felt it needed less cartoony-ness and more 3D.  Both logical complaints about the game.  Maybe she detests the art design in the game but loves the DS ones.  Who knows.  They are two different games and while you can tell the resemblance, they are from two different spectrums.

For some people expecting a full immersive 3d experience, 30 minutes is quite a deal breaker.  If Uncharted 2 switched up mid game to some 2D mini game people would be bitching up a storm about it.

How does disliking elements (that are present in a game) constitute as fabricating reasons to dislike a game?

She thinks the game is too cartoony.  She wanted something less cartoony out of Mario Galaxy.  She doesn't dislike cartoony games she just felt this one in particular was TOO cartoony. 

Haha, I find it funny how much you're defending her even though she's obviously being irrational.

Note: She didn't say she didn't like 2D, she just wanted more 3D. You're making something up to defend her "More 3D" statement.

Note: Mario games are cartoony and she should know this fact. She should not expect more mature content such as guns or the game sticking to the Brown and Gray palettes. She is irrational in this regard due to the fact that other Mario games which she like are cartoony and Nintendo would not change the art style.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you