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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Morgan Webb rants about Super Mario Galaxy 2, hilariously bad reasons

KylieDog said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
KylieDog said:

Sorry but where are pulling these ridiculous notions from?  She wants rid of the cartoon like story and presentation Mario tries to push into the game in little bits and that completely turns her off so she can just enjoy the gameplay.

No she said "cartoony graphics" specifically, Adam "they did get rid of most of the story" Morgan "They should have got rid all of it" and then went on to say "everyone knows to go on to the next level"

So again I ask you to actually watch the video before you come into a thread trying to start a big fuss and not even know what you're talking about, it seems to me you're trying to use her to project your own agenda, cause what you're saying and what she's saying isn't matching up at all, period.


Sorry but your quotes just backed up what I said?

Uhm no it doesn't since you cut off your other section of quotes you say "Aside from the gameplay both SMG2 and R C have which she had no issues with the R C series has a fair bit of story to it with a few sly adult jokes now and again that a child wouldn't pick up on, because it this it can appeal to older audiences while still being child friendly.  SMG2 has none of this, it has pretty much no story, no adult jokes (the characters don't even speak and just makes noises) and the little story it does have is presented in a very child like picture storybook manner." you're implying that she wants a R&C style story where she wants humor that adults will get while she says she wants all of the story gone.

From exactly what she said she would rather have something like the original Super Mario Bros where you start and finish with nothing inbetween, but the other point she was hitting on which is the game looks cartoony which so does her favorite platform series R&C.  But all of this is really stupid cause all she's doing is rehashing her old whine segments about Mario being kiddy.  And the problem being is she talks about maturity while a mature person would say "yeah I dislike this game cause of ______ " and just be done with it, she doesn't stop there, she never stops, and she represents her segment of the gaming media being paid to be professional and mature.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

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MaxwellGT2000 said:
dtewi said:
Rpruett said:

It seems to me that you're utilizing a lot of 'rationalization'.  The truth is, there isn't much to rationalize. I didn't cherry pick any pictures, I quickly scanned for pictures that would show similar things if possible and I didn't scan very hard.  Games have drastically changed. (Especially ones that have stuck around from the N64/PS1 gen).   Does Super Mario 64 stand up graphically to Super Mario Galaxy on a technical sense? Hell no.   Does it look pretty damn similar though?  Sure it does. 

And what gameplay elements have had a 'huge overhaul' since Mario 64?  I mean the jumping mechanics are pretty much the same as far as I could tell.  Yeah they added the star pointer...but does that really classify as a 'huge overhaul'?


Gran Turismo is still driving.

Final Fantasy is still attacking.

Half-Life is still shooting.

Mario is still jumping.

Gameplay concepts have been radically changed in each game.

Also, you chose gameplay pictures from previous games and then contrasted them to pre-rendered photos. That is not a fair comparison.


But since Mario 64 the level design has changed a lot, the controls changed a lot, I simply couldn't play SMS when I bought it after beating SMG cause the camera got on my nerves. 

A lot of the creative platforming ideas especially in SMG2 outclass anything done in SM64, I really don't know what else you want from a pure platforming game, RPG elements to upgrade Marios jump?  

Genres don't really change from generation to generation, the ideas going into them do, and having plaetoids where you basically platform in any direction that can screw with your sense of direction and perception is one hell of a leap from SM64 and SMS


So the camera has improved since Mario 64? (14 years ago)?    And they added more options to the platforming? I mean the jumping is pretty much ripped off and identical.  The hub in Super Mario Galaxy is practically the Mario 64 in Space.

  And no where did I say Mario had to change genres and become and RPG or anything of the sort.  It can still be a platformer and stay true to it's roots while adding compelling features.  I feel like many Nintendo games (Since they have hit 3D) have completely stagnated.

What about a large twist to the primary story?   What about usage of a larger color palette?   How about different control mechanics?   How about a truly compelling multi-player? 

@KylieDog:  Nice way of demonstrating you understood nothing.


2 Thumbs up!

Rpruett said:

So the camera has improved since Mario 64? (14 years ago)?    And they added more options to the platforming? I mean the jumping is pretty much ripped off and identical.  The hub in Super Mario Galaxy is practically the Mario 64 in Space.

  And no where did I say Mario had to change genres and become and RPG or anything of the sort.  It can still be a platformer and stay true to it's roots while adding compelling features.  I feel like many Nintendo games (Since they have hit 3D) have completely stagnated.

What about a large twist to the primary story?   What about usage of a larger color palette?   How about different control mechanics?   How about a truly compelling multi-player? 

You are complaining about jumping.


Story? Mario? Ha!

LARGER color palette? Every fucking color is expressed in SMG2.

Different control mechanics? Like Wii-Mote Nunchuck? Or would you rather use the B button to jump instead of A?

Multi-player? Who plays Mario for 2P? But NSMBWii had pretty good MP.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

So Morgan Webb should lie and say she loved MG2 even though she didn't just to make some people happy.


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nathantay said:

So Morgan Webb should lie and say she loved MG2 even though she didn't just to make some people happy.


This is exactly why we hate Morgan.


Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

KylieDog said:
Khuutra said:

Ignoring me now are you

No, buts its one mans opinion.  One with a conflict of interest really seeing as he wrote fairy tales.  Seems most of the adult world disagrees with him anyway which is why his books are always in the childrens section.

I mean he basically says "Ingore what others think" which is what you tell children when they have to deal with a socially bad thing, then you get older and realise you can't have that attitude or you'll get nowhere in life, not going to land many jobs dressing like a tramp and not caring what the employer thinks of it.

I wonder if he would crap himself into a nappy and use his own quote to defend it.

"When I was ten, I crapped my pants in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I crap them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.""

KylieDog, you could not have missed that point more spectacularly if you launched yourself out of a catapult over it. Over it and into the Sun.

The point is not "Don't care what others think." It's "don't be preoccupied with looking like a grownup". The entire summary of his quote come down to that 'adult' is a descriptor and not a qualitative modifier.

The world tends to agree with him - many adults read literature meant for children and teenagers. Do you have any idea how many women twice the high school age read Twilight? How many adults read Harry Potter? How many still read the Chronicles of Narnia?

Pretending that being "childish" in design is somehting to be ashamed of, or that one "grows beyond it" as one matures is asinine and ridiculous.

I'd argu with you more thoroughly but I want ot see what you have to say now that you've had the point laid out in front of you; I will say, though, tat you shouldn't go in looking for a point that isn ot there, otherwise you adress nothing.

Rpruett:  I find this quite hypocritical of you to complain about the "stagnation" of Mario games when you yourself own multiple editions of NHL and especially NFL games.  ¬_¬

She's just mad because she knows that she'll never get anywhere near 120 stars.

Switch: SW-5066-1525-5130

XBL: GratuitousFREEK

dtewi said:

You are complaining about jumping.


Story? Mario? Ha!

LARGER color palette? Every fucking color is expressed in SMG2.

Different control mechanics? Like Wii-Mote Nunchuck? Or would you rather use the B button to jump instead of A?

Multi-player? Who plays Mario for 2P? But NSMBWii had pretty good MP.

I'd say jumping is a pretty important part of the Platforming genre would you agree?

Story, I have no idea how it could work either but I'm sure Nintendo could conjure something up.  Even regardless of story they could certainly add a new true villain, or something.

You're right.  ROYGBIV is expressed. 

No different control mechanics like not the same ones as Mario 64 just placed onto a Wii controller.

Any other game would get ragged on for a lack of many of these features.  Plenty of complaints were made about Little Big Planets 'realistic' physics based jumping.  As well as it's paper thin story. 


If this were just isolated to Super Mario Galaxy / Super Mario Galaxy 2,  I would agree.  Sure, these are all nit picking things.  But when the same things show up during a 14 year time span.  It gets a tad repetitive.