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KylieDog said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
KylieDog said:

Sorry but where are pulling these ridiculous notions from?  She wants rid of the cartoon like story and presentation Mario tries to push into the game in little bits and that completely turns her off so she can just enjoy the gameplay.

No she said "cartoony graphics" specifically, Adam "they did get rid of most of the story" Morgan "They should have got rid all of it" and then went on to say "everyone knows to go on to the next level"

So again I ask you to actually watch the video before you come into a thread trying to start a big fuss and not even know what you're talking about, it seems to me you're trying to use her to project your own agenda, cause what you're saying and what she's saying isn't matching up at all, period.


Sorry but your quotes just backed up what I said?

Uhm no it doesn't since you cut off your other section of quotes you say "Aside from the gameplay both SMG2 and R C have which she had no issues with the R C series has a fair bit of story to it with a few sly adult jokes now and again that a child wouldn't pick up on, because it this it can appeal to older audiences while still being child friendly.  SMG2 has none of this, it has pretty much no story, no adult jokes (the characters don't even speak and just makes noises) and the little story it does have is presented in a very child like picture storybook manner." you're implying that she wants a R&C style story where she wants humor that adults will get while she says she wants all of the story gone.

From exactly what she said she would rather have something like the original Super Mario Bros where you start and finish with nothing inbetween, but the other point she was hitting on which is the game looks cartoony which so does her favorite platform series R&C.  But all of this is really stupid cause all she's doing is rehashing her old whine segments about Mario being kiddy.  And the problem being is she talks about maturity while a mature person would say "yeah I dislike this game cause of ______ " and just be done with it, she doesn't stop there, she never stops, and she represents her segment of the gaming media being paid to be professional and mature.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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