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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Morgan Webb rants about Super Mario Galaxy 2, hilariously bad reasons

People saying "it's just her opinion man!" should realize she is getting paid for it. She should at least make an effort making compelling arguments otherwise she is no better than a random gamer on an internet forum.

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sc94597 said:
sc94597 said:


good read, but i dont know. gamers make OP's that are found base less all the time.

Of course they do, but gamers aren't paid to give them, she is. If that was my job I would make sure I explained myself with thorough consideration, and if it isn't possible to verbalize it, I won't give it. Simple as that. 

simple. hmmm. i don't know. people say things with out having the words come out right all the time. it's just them putting there foot in there mouth, but i don't see that as being the case here. she can like R&C all day and not have a problem with how cartony it looks.

take me for instance. i love the look of halo 3, but i think halo ODST could use some refinement. i've played every game in the halo franchise even though i hate the hole series (never got through the hole game)? makes no sence to me to play a game i hate. i don't see what everybody else does in halo. and on the being paid part. she didn't give the reveiw. Andrew Pfister did.

so im sticking with visual perception. if she would have given the reveiw then i'd see everybody that has a problem with her OP's point.

ClaudeLv250 said:
oldschoolfool said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:

I know the whole reason Morgan Webb is popular in the media is because she's an attractive female gamer but man oh man did she go on a Hatfield Award Winning rant on the G4 chat about SMG2.  She stopped using the word kiddy everytime she describes Mario now its too cartoony.

Video here:

And things like that is why I stopped watching G4 and X-Play, take out the humor and the fact they used to have good taste, even with Adam Sesslers Nintendo rants, while being mean he was always funny with it... this isn't funny and she sounds like a dumb blond while doing it "so like this happened and it was so like cartoony I just like can't stand it!"

The last time I checked,people were allowed to have an opinion. If that's what she thought,then that's what she thought.

I just read his post twice and at no point did he say she was not allowed to have an opinion, so I am confused as to the purpose of this post.

he's saying people are attacking her OP so it's like  she doesn't have one.

KylieDog said:


There is a difference between 'family' entertainment and 'childrens' entertainment.  Aside from the gameplay both SMG2 and R C have which she had no issues with the R C series has a fair bit of story to it with a few sly adult jokes now and again that a child wouldn't pick up on, because it this it can appeal to older audiences while still being child friendly.  SMG2 has none of this, it has pretty much no story, no adult jokes (the characters don't even speak and just makes noises) and the little story it does have is presented in a very child like picture storybook manner.


R C and SMG2 are two very different games.  Mario relies purely on gameplay but R C has gameplay and also a story to entertain along with it.

Ignoring me now are you

axumblade said:
Darc Requiem said:

Okay I have question, maybe someone answered it earlier in the thread but I didn't see it. Isn't her favorite game Ratchet & Clank? If so that makes her a huge hypocrite. R&C's art style has remained the same through out the entire series.

She basically said last year that Ratchet & Clank:ACiT was the best platformer in a long time.

The graphical advancements of the Ratchet & Clank franchise is great. In fact, I would go ahead and refer to the most recent R&C game as pixarlike quality (if not all of the PS3 versions of the series). The story had both happy and sad elements, which led to the game being very much story driven. The gameplay was varied and they completely changed the mechanic to Clank levels from previous games. Of course I'm sure that most people on here who are blasting the series haven't touched the game since the PS2 (if even then). That or they are just talking shit because of Morgan Webb and her "hypocrisy." Which I find stupid due to the fact that people don't seem to understand platformers are just like any other genre.

If people like Call of Duty, that does not mean they will like Battlefield. If people like God of War, that does not guarantee they will like Bayonetta. If people like Oblivion, it doesn't mean they'll like Fable. If people like Star Ocean, that doesn't mean they'll like Final Fantasy. Again, I repeat, it's about OPINION. e.e

Did watch her criticisms of SMG2? It was entirely about the cartoony graphical style. That's what makes her a hypocrite. You seem to have completely missed my point. R&C is a cartoony game. If she had been complaining about SMG2's gameplay and not it's graphical style then you'd have a point. For example,  if I said I don't like Tekken 6 because it's a one on one fighter but listed another one on one fighter Super Street Fighter IV as my favorite fighting game I'd be hypocrite. That's essentially what she did.

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Sempuukyaku said:
Rpruett said:

It is an opinion ya know...

Maybe she is just sick of the same old. (Which is what Mario Galaxy 2 is).   Alot of people I would wager feel the same way.  Perhaps by cartoony she meant...Unchanged....practically identical to every Mario iteration since Mario 64.  On that sense I would totally agree.

It's actually my biggest gripe of Nintendo in general with a good amount of their games.  They run them stale into the ground for years until they finally do something that people wished they had done years prior.  (Metroid for Gamecube was a wonderful welcomed edition....but it only took them how long?).  Games like Super Smash Brothers are practically the same damn game as the one for Gamecube.  Mario hasn't really looked different since Mario  64.  Zelda, I suppose they did have the Windwaker which was a deviation but then back to the same old, same old with Twilight Princess. 

I mean don't get me wrong, still quality games but it does get rather stale, IMHO.

Uh huh, so are you going to apply that same criticism to:






Gears of War


Tomb Raider

Call of Duty

Guitar Hero



Of course you won't. 

The same criticism doesn't apply to practically ANY of those games.  Mario 64 (Released in 96') even being remotely comparable to a game (Released in 2010) is what we are talking about.  Several same gameplay mechanics still exist like the 'Mario jump' and all that other stuff.  

The proof is in the pudding. Over a 14 year span this is the difference to the user.  And you're telling me it's just crazy that people might be sick of the 'same old, same old' ?

This is a 14 year time span.  And the most compelling argument is...Well well they added GRAVITY!!  



Hynad said:

The argument that Mario Galaxy 2 is an add-on type game to the first one... Pu-lease.


You mean it's not the same for Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2?

God of war 1, 2 and 3?

Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction, Quest for Booty and A Crack in Time?


Shall I go on and on?



The entire rant about Galaxy 2 is completely devoid of logic and seems to me like it's more a vendetta or agenda against Nintendo than anything else.

that last sentence is baseless and ridiculous. something against nintendo? i'd see that point if she herself gave the reveiw or said the gameplay was bad but she didn't. i think you took it to far. she doesn't haft to like how it looks. and as for the comparisons to the other games. point well taken.

but referencing other games is not going to help your argument. people reveiwing MW@ and GOW 3 have aready said mostly nothings changed.

it's sad when the day of the  OP dies.

Darc Requiem said:
axumblade said:
Darc Requiem said:

Okay I have question, maybe someone answered it earlier in the thread but I didn't see it. Isn't her favorite game Ratchet & Clank? If so that makes her a huge hypocrite. R&C's art style has remained the same through out the entire series.

She basically said last year that Ratchet & Clank:ACiT was the best platformer in a long time.

The graphical advancements of the Ratchet & Clank franchise is great. In fact, I would go ahead and refer to the most recent R&C game as pixarlike quality (if not all of the PS3 versions of the series). The story had both happy and sad elements, which led to the game being very much story driven. The gameplay was varied and they completely changed the mechanic to Clank levels from previous games. Of course I'm sure that most people on here who are blasting the series haven't touched the game since the PS2 (if even then). That or they are just talking shit because of Morgan Webb and her "hypocrisy." Which I find stupid due to the fact that people don't seem to understand platformers are just like any other genre.

If people like Call of Duty, that does not mean they will like Battlefield. If people like God of War, that does not guarantee they will like Bayonetta. If people like Oblivion, it doesn't mean they'll like Fable. If people like Star Ocean, that doesn't mean they'll like Final Fantasy. Again, I repeat, it's about OPINION. e.e

Did watch her criticisms of SMG2? It was entirely about the cartoony graphical style. That's what makes her a hypocrite. You seem to have completely missed my point. R&C is a cartoony game. If she had been complaining about SMG2's gameplay and not it's graphical style then you'd have a point. For example,  if I said I don't like Tekken 6 because it's a one on one fighter but listed another one on one fighter Super Street Fighter IV as my favorite fighting game I'd be hypocrite. That's essentially what she did.

Well a better fit would be taking Tatsunoko vs Capcom and Street Fighter IV and hating Tatsunoko cause it's cartoony and saying Street Fighter IV is their favorite game ever even though Street Fighter IV is cartoony which is essentially what's happening here.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

Hynad said:

The argument that Mario Galaxy 2 is an add-on type game to the first one... Pu-lease.


You mean it's not the same for Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2?

God of war 1, 2 and 3?

Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction, Quest for Booty and A Crack in Time?


Shall I go on and on?



The entire rant about Galaxy 2 is completely devoid of logic and seems to me like it's more a vendetta or agenda against Nintendo than anything else.

that last sentence is baseless and ridiculous. something against nintendo? i'd see that point if she herself gave the reveiw or said the gameplay was bad but she didn't. i think you took it to far. she doesn't haft to like how it looks. and as for the comparisons to the other games. point well taken.

but referencing other games is not going to help your argument. people reveiwing MW@ and GOW 3 have aready said mostly nothings changed.

it's sad when the day of the  OP dies.

Baseless and ridiculous for a misnformed "someone" like you who doesn't follow the Feedbacks on G4TV. ¬_¬


As for the references, they don't call the games merely "add-on type" products, like they did with SMG2.

Kasz216 said:

There is a great quote... by some famous author.

It goes something like

"When I was a teeneager I secretly read fairytales without people seeing me to pretend I was more mature, and when I was older, I read them in the open because I was mature enough to not care what people think."

That is indeed a great quote. Regardless of who it is from, it rings true for a great many people.

The BuShA owns all!