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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Will there ever be a 3d mario game that isn't star finder mario?


Will there ever be a 3d mario game that isn't star finder mario?

Yes 18 20.00%
No 21 23.33%
That would be the best thing ever 18 20.00%
that would never work 6 6.67%
other junk answers :b 9 10.00%
Khuutra said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Khuutra said:

Very interesting, then. Nintendo can fit a lot of content out of relatively few assets

Oh you have no idea.  Brain Age is something crazy like 10 or 20 MB and will probably outsell any game that is ever put on a Blu-Ray disc.  Aside from a few crazy-giant games like Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Metroid Prime Trilogy, Nintendo makes the smallest games by a large margin.  A bigger game is more often a sign of sloppy programming than more content.  Only Nintendo and some wackos like Will Wright who understand the power of procedural generation really know how to minimize game size while maximizing options and fun.  Have you ever seen some of the stuff that the procedural indie guys can do in the demo scene?

Nintendo hides resources everywhere like crazy.  Even in the first Super Mario Bros., they used the same graphic for the cloud and the bush.  They just changed the color.  They're the kings of crazy shortcuts like that.  If you look at the list of the best selling games of all time, not only are the top 10 Nintendo games, but they're probably some of the smallest games made for their respective consoles.

Your whole post is very interesting as a read and makes me want to look up some figures, but:

Brain Age is something crazy like 10 or 20 MB

Yeah I got worried that I might've been exaggerating so I looked up some game sizes.  Here are the sizes of some of the most successful games of all time:

Mario Kart DS: 24 MB (18.01 million sales, 16th best-selling game of all time)

New Super Mario Bros.: 20 MB (21.93 million sales, 11th best-selling game of all time)

Brain Age: 8 MB (19.10 million sales, 13th best-selling game of all time)

Super Mario Bros. 3 is like 230 KB or something.  That's an okay .jpg or .gif these days, but its VC sales alone are greater than most new games.  And other devs complain if XBLA/PSN/WW have size restrictions? (17.28 million sales, 18th best-selling game of all time)

The original Game Boy Tetris is about 20 KB.  That's basically a text file.  It was probably even smaller before they added the graphics.  In the beginning the blocks were made out of |_| type characters. (30.26 million sales, 4th best-selling game of all time, and that's ONLY on the Game Boy, not including the more than 100 million sales on mobile phones)

Perfect gameplay needs nothing else!  This is why I'm so into indie gaming these days.  2 people can make World of Goo, 2 people can make Braid, and 3 people can make BIT.TRIP BEAT.  It took hundreds of people 5 years straight to make Red Dead Redemption, while BIT.TRIP BEAT already has 3 sequels from the same 3 guys.

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LordTheNightKnight said:
Khuutra said:

....Why the Hell do you want me to point out typos in my own post?

I called a man a critical analysis instead of a critical analyst

I used "yuou"

I used "conjection" when I meant "conjecture". This examples are just eye-catching, rather than comprehensive.

What's the point of this exercise, exactly?

Oh, I thought you were claiming my post had typos.

And it's still not a response, when you treat a key point as something I somehow wasn't supposed to type. That's a BS response.

....Can you not see the rest of my post, or something? I wrote like half a dozen paragraphs in response to you after quoting various parts of your post in separate quote boxes. When I said I wished you would write posts like htat one, I was referring to the way you'll put responses in quotation marks and then reply to them tere, making it so tat I can't really see that I've been responded to without entering the topic.

I wrote three separated lines to that initial statement alone. I responded to your whole freaking post. Can you not see it?

Sempuukyaku said:
Wow. So we just now got, THE greatest platformer ever, one of the highest rated games in video game history, and now we have a thread here complaining that "but it isnt teh 2d Mario!!!". Seriously? Really....seriously?

Only hardcore gamers.

Reviews really don't mean anything. GTA IV is also one of the highest rated games in video game history, remember?

I can't say I know too much about why 2D Mario fans don't buy 3D, though I am skeptical you can "fix" its problems simply by making the gameplay closer to its 2D counterpart.

Honestly, one of the major things that bug me about Galaxy is the environments. I don't like traveling between small planets in space, or playing around in what looks like gameplay testing grounds, I want large worlds to explore. Or, if not a large world, at least have us explore a small section of what seems like one. I can't get immersed or imagine myself being in most of SMG1's worlds, which is kinda important for a single player game...

I know the planet / galaxy theme was necessary for the whole gravity thing, but I wouldn't exactly miss that either. I'm sure they could come up with enough fun ideas without the need for such gimmicks (gravity manipulation / water suit). This alone would make the games a lot more accessible (I think?).

"....Can you not see the rest of my post, or something?"

Only when you give a real response to the first paragraph, instead of that BS line.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

LordTheNightKnight said:
"....Can you not see the rest of my post, or something?"

Only when you give a real response to the first paragraph, instead of that BS line.

Oh for Christ's sake, that comment was about the format of your post, not the content. Stop being so sensitive. First it's tis crap, then the "surely he means my post is full of typos" shit, on and on and on.

Here's your response, typos intact, taken from that post which you apparently won't read:

Past games and brand recognition have shown to have little or nothing to do withauccess or perception in current generations, even for legacy series. Again: current content is all that matters. You call on legacy of a series because it matters to you as a non-mainstream gamer.
But you know what? I'm no longer interested in continuing this conversation. You latch onto an imagined slight with such tenacity that you have robbed the discussion of momentum, meaning, substance, and enjoyment.

The last word, of course, is yours.

Good day.

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"Oh for Christ's sake, that comment was about the format of your post,"

Then why is that the first time you gave even stated that much?

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

i never knew i would host such a heated debate :b

come try out the computer game i've been working on for my high school senior project, titled sling ball.

you can view a few screenshots from the game in my photo album here;

yes, this is vonboy's alt account. i can't log into my original account, and i'm not sure if i will ever be able to.

Proud Member of the Official Yoshi Fan Club!.

My answer is not there: I just do not care! (as long as the titles have such a huge quality)

@vonboysp anything involving Mario is going to cause some debate, he's like Mickey Mouse of games. I just got Galaxy 2 and it is NOT the star finder I thought it would be. the star is like the flag at the end of the 2d ones. THats the way I like it. My major problem with 64 and sunshine is gone. No more going thru the same levels 4and 5 times. If you have a WII, set aside your "maturity" screw what your hardcore military FPS friends think and get it. Its my fav game this gen right after Uncharted 2. (I didnt play the first that much, so my enthusiasm might be too high)

i guess i don't mind the 3d marios staying the same, if they are also making 2d mario alongside them. up until recently, they haven't been doing that. if they will keep making both of then (like alterating them or soemthing) then i'll be happy. that comment where iwata basically told off on miyamoto and said he WILL be making more 2d mario  is reasurring.

come try out the computer game i've been working on for my high school senior project, titled sling ball.

you can view a few screenshots from the game in my photo album here;

yes, this is vonboy's alt account. i can't log into my original account, and i'm not sure if i will ever be able to.

Proud Member of the Official Yoshi Fan Club!.