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Sempuukyaku said:
Wow. So we just now got, THE greatest platformer ever, one of the highest rated games in video game history, and now we have a thread here complaining that "but it isnt teh 2d Mario!!!". Seriously? Really....seriously?

Only hardcore gamers.

Reviews really don't mean anything. GTA IV is also one of the highest rated games in video game history, remember?

I can't say I know too much about why 2D Mario fans don't buy 3D, though I am skeptical you can "fix" its problems simply by making the gameplay closer to its 2D counterpart.

Honestly, one of the major things that bug me about Galaxy is the environments. I don't like traveling between small planets in space, or playing around in what looks like gameplay testing grounds, I want large worlds to explore. Or, if not a large world, at least have us explore a small section of what seems like one. I can't get immersed or imagine myself being in most of SMG1's worlds, which is kinda important for a single player game...

I know the planet / galaxy theme was necessary for the whole gravity thing, but I wouldn't exactly miss that either. I'm sure they could come up with enough fun ideas without the need for such gimmicks (gravity manipulation / water suit). This alone would make the games a lot more accessible (I think?).