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LordTheNightKnight said:
"....Can you not see the rest of my post, or something?"

Only when you give a real response to the first paragraph, instead of that BS line.

Oh for Christ's sake, that comment was about the format of your post, not the content. Stop being so sensitive. First it's tis crap, then the "surely he means my post is full of typos" shit, on and on and on.

Here's your response, typos intact, taken from that post which you apparently won't read:

Past games and brand recognition have shown to have little or nothing to do withauccess or perception in current generations, even for legacy series. Again: current content is all that matters. You call on legacy of a series because it matters to you as a non-mainstream gamer.
But you know what? I'm no longer interested in continuing this conversation. You latch onto an imagined slight with such tenacity that you have robbed the discussion of momentum, meaning, substance, and enjoyment.

The last word, of course, is yours.

Good day.