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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Reasons you don't own the other console(s)


Reasons you don't own the other console(s)

Can't afford to 18 18.18%
Don't like the games 20 20.20%
Don't like the company 12 12.12%
Doesn't have the features/abilities 8 8.08%
Friends don't own one. 4 4.04%
Don't have the time to play each one. 37 37.37%

This poll applies to those who don't own all the consoles and is a simple survey to see why. There's financial, social, and personal reasons underlying in each option. Should be interesting!

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It's a just a lack of time for me. This poll will be interesting for seeing how many people choose 'Don't like the company'.



Lack of time and only.I already have too many games to play with 2 handhelds and 2 consoles.There are many PS3 exclusives I'd love to play but I don't have that much free time.Well,I might buy a PS3 eventually with the excuse of buying a blu-ray player. :D

It would be overkill for me (too many good games I would like to play already, but can't), it's nice to have everything in one box and I also want this box to take good advantage of my home media setup.

I also said goodbye to PC gaming (despite owning a competent PC and having been a PC only gamer last gen) apart from maybe games like Civilization if they are very good and exclusive (mouse support on the PS3 is sadly under supported), it feels more comfortable to me playing on a console with wireless DS3 controllers in the living room (my PC is in my work room and IMO laptops usually suck for the bulk of games).

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

Don't own a PS3 because two consoles has been more than enough for me up to this point. Wii covers the quality Nintendo games and the quirky party and motion controlled games. My 360 covers the more core based single player games and most quality 3rd party games. Plus there just aren't a lot of games on PS3 that appeal to me.

Though I think very soon I will finally be giving in and picking one up, but more for the Blu ray player than the games. They have the 80 gig model on amazon for the ballpark of $220. My dad has been talking about wanting a Blu ray player so I figure buying a PS3 I could use that as an excuse to get it. I do want to check out LBP and the Uncharted games however.

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Doesn't have the features like linux....

tallgnome said:
Doesn't have the features like linux....

u shall sell your wii, it doesnt have linux :p.

i was going to buy a 360 but then all JRPG jumped over in a blink , i had a wii but was disappoint with wii iterations of brawl (broke my lens), kart only new worthy thing was online, and needed the money.

i own all the rest, thinking about selling the DS. buying a newer PSP, for peace walker, FF13 AGITO and birth by sleep

Not one good reason to. I have my Wii and I have my DS. Everything I enjoy is covered and then some.

Having decided to get the PS3 as my HD console due to BR in addition to essentially the same games as 360 (exclusives aside) and playing Valve games and titles like Mass Effect on PC I just can't really justify the need for a 360. The actual number of titles I'd be interested in that I'd need one for are just too small now - Alan Wake, Gears 2 and Reach really being the only three.
At the time of purchase of my PS3 I was also a lot more interested in PS3 exclusives than 360.

I have a Wii but that's always felt like a totally separate thing, although post Move/Natal that might change.

It's not really cost though, as I could buy one if I wanted, I just feel there needs to be more need before spending money like that. I do play on friend's 360s though and if there was ever enough need for one to tip the scales I'd happily buy one, as I have no issues with MS or the console.

I didn't vote BTW as none of the options really seemed to match this position.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

The ps3 covers all my needs.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?