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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Developer says Used Games Sales worse then Piracy

Slimebeast said:
Tanstalas said:

I agree with the article, if you pirate a game, you aren't going to be playing it online so the company saves money on bandwidth needed for you to play the game. If you buy a used legitimate copy, then you will play it online and consume bandwidth, either way the developer and publisher are not getting any additional income due to pirating vs someone buying a used game, the only thing is they will pay more in the longrun for bandwidth on the used game.

@phxprovost - EB/Gamestop, etc might go under, but you will always still be able to find games, think of stores like futureshop/best buy, they don't "NEED" the gaming part of their store to survive they make money from everything else as well.

@ironman - By you trading in those 3 games, it means that they potentially lose the sale of those 3 games to someone else that would have to buy it new if your used copy wasn't for sale

@slimebeast - I think I explained the difference in my opening paragraph, though there could be other things I am not thinking of that they are.

You did? I cant see it lol.

The only strategy by EA to decrease used game sales I've heard of is the one where DLC would cost $10. Coolbeans made it sound like there was an original idea that now has changed.

How is the prevention work in BaD Company 2 and ME2 compared to FIFA 10 and these other sports games?

I'm not sure what coolbeans is referring to for those games... ME2 isn't online though, unless he means that you could sign up for that cerberex thing (or whatever it was called)

I think this new technique will apply to only online games, though I could see them putting in a code like certain offline games to even play the game, where it would register once then you are good to go, and if code is already used, crack open your credit card to purchase another for $10.


And I misread your quote... I just looked at what you said and not what you quoted, I thought you were referring to "Whats's the difference between the two" in regards to whats the difference between Used Games and Pirating

My apologies..  On my 4th 12 hour night shift in a row, my brain is fading in and out.. :)

Unicorns ARE real - They are just fat, grey and called Rhinos

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Tanstalas said:

@ironman - By you trading in those 3 games, it means that they potentially lose the sale of those 3 games to someone else that would have to buy it new if your used copy wasn't for sale

No, not at all, if a person is buying a used game it is generally because they cannot afford a new one, I tell you one thing, without the used market, new game sales as well as console sales would quite literally plummet. Less money is freed up for those wanting to invest in new games, and those who can only afford used games will not be gaming at all. It's a no win situation for everybody. 

Past Avatar picture!!!

Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!

Tanstalas said:
Slimebeast said:
Tanstalas said:

I agree with the article, if you pirate a game, you aren't going to be playing it online so the company saves money on bandwidth needed for you to play the game. If you buy a used legitimate copy, then you will play it online and consume bandwidth, either way the developer and publisher are not getting any additional income due to pirating vs someone buying a used game, the only thing is they will pay more in the longrun for bandwidth on the used game.

@phxprovost - EB/Gamestop, etc might go under, but you will always still be able to find games, think of stores like futureshop/best buy, they don't "NEED" the gaming part of their store to survive they make money from everything else as well.

@ironman - By you trading in those 3 games, it means that they potentially lose the sale of those 3 games to someone else that would have to buy it new if your used copy wasn't for sale

@slimebeast - I think I explained the difference in my opening paragraph, though there could be other things I am not thinking of that they are.

You did? I cant see it lol.

The only strategy by EA to decrease used game sales I've heard of is the one where DLC would cost $10. Coolbeans made it sound like there was an original idea that now has changed.

How is the prevention work in BaD Company 2 and ME2 compared to FIFA 10 and these other sports games?

I'm not sure what coolbeans is referring to for those games... ME2 isn't online though, unless he means that you could sign up for that cerberex thing (or whatever it was called)

I think this new technique will apply to only online games, though I could see them putting in a code like certain offline games to even play the game, where it would register once then you are good to go, and if code is already used, crack open your credit card to purchase another for $10.


And I misread your quote... I just looked at what you said and not what you quoted, I thought you were referring to "Whats's the difference between the two" in regards to whats the difference between Used Games and Pirating

My apologies..  On my 4th 12 hour night shift in a row, my brain is fading in and out.. :)

Yeah maybe that's the difference. The first idea that was announced a few months ago was simply to implement $10' DLC to pretty much all games from EA.

This new variant implements a code for online gameplay. They both happen to cost $10 and both are strategies to decrease used game sales.

ironman said:
Tanstalas said:

@ironman - By you trading in those 3 games, it means that they potentially lose the sale of those 3 games to someone else that would have to buy it new if your used copy wasn't for sale

No, not at all, if a person is buying a used game it is generally because they cannot afford a new one, I tell you one thing, without the used market, new game sales as well as console sales would quite literally plummet. Less money is freed up for those wanting to invest in new games, and those who can only afford used games will not be gaming at all. It's a no win situation for everybody. 

@ - Explain this to me?  If there are no used games then no one would buy new games?  It may mean the USED gaming market would fail to exist, but the same people who ARE BUYING NEW GAMES NOW THAT CONTRIBUTE TO INCOME TO THE DEVELOPER AND PUBLISHER WOULD STILL BUY THOSE GAMES If someone is only buying used games, how does that affected new game sales?  I personally know no one (you may who knows) that has ever said "Hey I think I will go spend $300 on a console then only buy used games"

@ - If they can't afford a new game, how did they afford a $300 console?  Hey here is an idea, instead of buying 2 games for $30 apiece just buy 1 at $60.  And really, this might be better for certain companies..  If you are too broke to buy new games, to which the console maker gets a cut for (which is why they sell the consoles for a loss in the first place) then the console maker would probably prefer you not to buy their console, since they are selling it for a loss hoping to make it back on software sales :D

@ - And I think you miss the point of what the developers are trying to do, they aren't saying if you buy a used game you won't be able to play it, they are saying if you buy a used game, expect to pay $10 to get a code to play it.  

Ok as well... back in the days of Nintendo there wern't as many used game shops as there were now, and adjusting for inflation a NES game would cost A LOT more than a new PS3/360/wii game does nowadays.  Back in the NES days, when where I am from minimum wage as around $4/hr and a game cost $40 - $50, now minimum wage is $10/hr and games cost about $60-$70...  So adjusting for inflation, a NES game would cost almost twice as much as they do now... yeah I see where you're going, the GAMING MARKET IS DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED - You heard it here first





Unicorns ARE real - They are just fat, grey and called Rhinos

I agree, the used games market needs to be killed. The developers need our money to keep making awesome games for us.

Gaming is a very cheap hobby.

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And they should add a 1% tax to our sales tax to recoup their "loses".

Slimebeast said:
I agree, the used games market needs to be killed. The developers need our money to keep making awesome games for us.

Gaming is a very cheap hobby.

I agree, it is very cheap.

Even a short game that provides 8-10 hours of game play when you work it out - it's only like $6 an hour.. the only other thing I can think of to do for $6/hr is buy a book and read?  I'm sure bowling even costs more than that these days :D

Unicorns ARE real - They are just fat, grey and called Rhinos

Sooner or later, we'll be paying for a game we want 4 times instead of once.

So, instead of buying it for $60, we'll be paying $30 4 times. More profit for lowered priced games.

Do these retards not understand that some people trade in their games towards new games, and without this option most people wouldn't be buying all these new games.

scottie said:


I never claimed top 5 for WoW, and looking at annual piracy charts is the wrong way to go about it. For example, Modern warfare 2 was pirated a lot shortly after release, but will likely have very short legs in the piracy department. You must consider TOTALS, not annual figures.


Care to provide a link to CoD6 being playable onlione pirated (a link to a news story, not to the source of the crack cos that's against VGChartz rules) because the only way to do it I could find on google involved putting a space or other special character in your steam account name, and that loophole took a whole 4 days to be fixed

While that is true, it'd be hard to say something is the most pirated when it doesn't even break the half-mil mark each year.

Link to news from google as well:

April 10th this year.