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Forums - Sony Discussion - BULLSHIT TROPHIES!!

Share your experience, I am currently doing infamous and i'm getting screwed by these damn blast shards and stunts 4 left). I am so consumed with rage I want to leave work right now and finish it, then find whoever thought this would be a good trophy and beat the hell out of him. I have to find all 350 shards and it's only a bronze...WTF!!!

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yeah the blast shard trophy was a pain, also finding the 100 feathers in assassins creed II, both of those should've atleast been a silver trophy.

also getting the 200 kills with the GAU-19 in U2 took me awhile

Stuck on 91% trophies for SF4 cause of Hard Trial is soooo f***ing harddddd. Like talk about precision to the millisecond lol. Finishing Hard Trial will accomplish unlocking the rest of my trophies that'll lead to Platinum.

Anybody know if SSF4 has a Hard Trial and trophies require you to complete it? If so, i'll never attempt to Plat a SF game ever again lol

Yeah, some of the Halo 3 achievements are rediculous, I think an overkill (4 kills in 5 seconds) nets you 5 points! Unless you get lucky with a grenade, that's awful tough to do. I'm pretty sure they weren't looking for lucky grenade explosions.

I hate most of the "collect all (insert random item here)" trophies. However, I actually enjoyed the infamous one because it was so much fun travelling in that game. My least favorite trophy would have to be any of the 3 trophies I got from Leisure Suit Larry: Box office bust. I wish that it were possible to delete trophies because I'm so embarassed that I played this horrible game.

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Xbbjf9s said:

Share your experience, I am currently doing infamous and i'm getting screwed by these damn blast shards and stunts 4 left). I am so consumed with rage I want to leave work right now and finish it, then find whoever thought this would be a good trophy and beat the hell out of him. I have to find all 350 shards and it's only a bronze...WTF!!!

I just got the platinum trophy for inFamous last week. Collecting all the blast shards wasn't a hugh problem for me. As I played through the game, I collected every shard a came across. By the end of the game I was missing about 12 shards. I just spent a bit of time spamming L3 (or was it R3?) button as I wandered around each section of the city. After an hour, I had found them all. Most of the ones I missed were on the first island.

The stunts were easy, expect for 1. The 'Right back at ya' stunt took some time and patients.

collecting all the medals in killzone 2 online. Thats A LOT of warzone if you want them.

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

yeah, the stunts one is pretty difficult

Arcturus said:
Xbbjf9s said:

Share your experience, I am currently doing infamous and i'm getting screwed by these damn blast shards and stunts 4 left). I am so consumed with rage I want to leave work right now and finish it, then find whoever thought this would be a good trophy and beat the hell out of him. I have to find all 350 shards and it's only a bronze...WTF!!!

I just got the platinum trophy for inFamous last week. Collecting all the blast shards wasn't a hugh problem for me. As I played through the game, I collected every shard a came across. By the end of the game I was missing about 12 shards. I just spent a bit of time spamming L3 (or was it R3?) button as I wandered around each section of the city. After an hour, I had found them all. Most of the ones I missed were on the first island.

The stunts were easy, expect for 1. The 'Right back at ya' stunt took some time and patients.

I need one shard, I just did "have a nice fall" lastnight. Where did you go to do "right back at ya"? I was surprised that came up (thought I did it alreadt) the only other one that might be a pain is "whack a mole"....I get a headache just thinking about that one.

The Uncharted platinum was bullshit mainly because Crushing was bullshit. I'm not saying it's impossible, it's just annoying that almost every encounter in that game starts with you getting shot at when you cross some invisible line and most shots one hit kill you.