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Forums - Sales Discussion - Which game will be a better system seller

I suppose that GT5 will move more hardware but I'm still not convinced that GT5 will be as big as many are hyping it up to be. Its gonna be huge for sure but without bundling I'm not sure its gonna be the massive monster people have been making it out to be.

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GT5 - Usually the first game of a solid franchise is a strong system seller

halo reach ( I'm not getting it but I have a gut feeling)

GT5, since it is popular in all 3 markets, as well as it is the first full game in the series to be released. If people wanted to play halo they would have gotten Halo 3 or ODST. I suspect GT5 will outsell reach WW, but in America reach will win.

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Gt5 will be the bigger system seller but halo reach will sell more copies.

GT5, but who knows maybe Reach could pull one off for the team. When is GT5 releasing? that could impact the sells even more.

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wholikeswood said:
39% of those who intend to buy GT5 do not yet own a PS3.

Let's say GT5 sells what the usual iteration sells (10mil) - that's 4 million consoles going to be shifted by the title...

Thats kinda fail logic u got here....

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Uh, not even a close competition - Any Halo fans would have bought a 360 for any of the earlier Halo games, not the same for GT

That said, I am predicting a price cut of the 360 either for Halo reach launch or for Natal launch, so we will probably not know how much is actually pushed by Halo