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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - NEW DRAGON QUEST Wii - No its not DQ X -

student said:
This had me excited, until I read what it was and realized it was just a subpar port of an old game. Come on, give us something new.

Old game, yes, but subpar port? The game isn't even out yet, so it's impossible to judge whether it's subpar or not.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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trestres said:
Shonen said:
I ok with will give japan they DQ fix until X come out. also will give the wii a huge sales boost in japan that its needing.

I'm wondering, how will this give the Wii a huge sales boost? A 3 year old arcade port?

You dont really make any idea of how big DQ is in japan ...


A patriot to the end. GO PATS!

Now playing> THE LAST STORY (Wii) Best RPG I EVER PLAYED. *-*

Nintendo could u please just take my money and give me back my 3DS?!

I can't imagine that many people would of played the arcade version so might want the console version. And they might add additional items/fanservice for all we know.

Even though it's just a port, Wii could sure use the boost in Japan. And they do love them some DQ some even if it's an arcade/fighter port it should still sell significant amounts based on the DQ name alone.

Only other foreseeable big boosts before that were Wii Relax and DXQ. Never thought I'd say this, but Nintendo needs to crank out some more "Wii ____" titles, at least in Japan.

Erm I feel that Square Enix has trolled me.

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maybe Square Is Saving X For The 3DS or Another Platform...

Atto Suggests...:

Book - Malazan Book of the Fallen series 

Game - Metro Last Light

TV - Deadwood

Music - Forest Swords 

Attoyou said:
maybe Square Is Saving X For The 3DS or Another Platform...

Nice try.


Is this the game?

According to GoNintendo, this is the game's trailer.

However.... the trailer's been up since 22nd february, and the title is different. :S


@ Palancas7.

I think it is... not entirely sure tough :/

The trailer grabbed my attention (I'm easily impressed), what are the chances of this making it out of Japan?

How technical is your game?

Shonen said:

Monster Battle Road Victory is a port of the arcade game, Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Road, which released in July 2007, and is based on Dragon Quest VIII for PS2. 

It's actually port of that game's sequel, the latest version of which (Dragon Quest Monsters Battle Road II Legend) just released in January 2010.  It even features characters from DQIX actually.



Visuals are impressive imo.