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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 5 Reasons why this generation Blows! Agree or disagree?


5 Reasons why this generation Blows! Agree or disagree?

Yep, it blows! Wii + HD = Wack! 33 9.17% It's my fave! 137 38.06%
16-Bit Era all the way! 74 20.56%
32-Bit Era all the way! 66 18.33%
8-Bit Era all the way! 12 3.33%
PC Gamers Unite! 37 10.28%

PC gamers unite!!!!!

I will agree that (except for the Wii) this gen blows. Actually, except for the Dreamcast, every non-Nintendo console blows. (Yes, I realize that I am a fanboy. I fully admit this.)

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Definately the best for 16 bit being "Golden Age" the linked article can quite frankly shove it up its Arse !

16 bit was not Golden in any way.... in many respects the games industry was on its knees after the Great Crash !

Terrible gameplay with graphics and sound that merely served to paper over the cracks ruled the 16 bit era.

There were of course the odd shining gems but the 16 bit era is best seen as a transition phase rather than any hue of precious metal.

Cypher1980 said:
Definately the best for 16 bit being "Golden Age" the linked article can quite frankly shove it up its Arse !

16 bit was not Golden in any way.... in many respects the games industry was on its knees after the Great Crash !

Terrible gameplay with graphics and sound that merely served to paper over the cracks ruled the 16 bit era.

There were of course the odd shining gems but the 16 bit era is best seen as a transition phase rather than any hue of precious metal.

16bit was the high point before everyone moved away from sprites to polygons.  That era had the NeoGeo as a high water mark in that technology.  Yes, the NeoGeo was 24bit in how it was set up, but 16bit in its game play.  Post 16bit was the polygon era.  The SNES and Genesis provided a number of really good games.

guiduc said:
Well, this generation is one of the best so far for me, with 16 and 32-Bits era. It has a great amount of games, a great variety.

However, there are also saturation in the FPS genre.

What this generation lacks is innovation. I agree it is more difficult nowadays to create a game that revolutionnizes a genre. Galaxy might be one of those rare titles.

Also, HD obsession make me sick. DLC too. Short games. Movie-like games (Heavy Rain, God of War III)

A game is different from a movie. Some developers might have forgot it.

Name me one game of this generation that sets the standards of its genre liek Ocarina of Time, Mario World or Metroid Prime, SotC did.

I'd say that Dragon Age: Origins sets the standard for western RPGs. That's no small feat, as it had to out-do Baldur's Gate II.

Garnett said:
CGI-Quality said:
I knew this article would spark loads of interesting discussions.

@ Montana: For the most part, I'm with you. But right now, the gen does feel a little over-saturated with redundant FPS games. Not a complaint on my part, more of an observation. If each FPS is different enough in a way, it isn't as big a deal. MAG, Killzone 2, Call of Duty, & Halo are all different types of FPS titles. It's the ones that try to copy and offer nothing original that get old.

How is KZ2 different? 

Its just Sci fi CoD but moving like a tank and weird controls.


(No offense to any KZ2 fans if you like the game thats fine)


While others have done new things


MAG-First console game with 256 players

CoD-  Was the first FPS to introduce a RPG like element  into shooting games, as well as people die in a few shots.

Halo- Not really anything new besides the map editor. 









Deus Ex and System Shock and Battlefield 2 say hello.

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SmoothCriminal said:
Garnett said:
CGI-Quality said:
I knew this article would spark loads of interesting discussions.

@ Montana: For the most part, I'm with you. But right now, the gen does feel a little over-saturated with redundant FPS games. Not a complaint on my part, more of an observation. If each FPS is different enough in a way, it isn't as big a deal. MAG, Killzone 2, Call of Duty, & Halo are all different types of FPS titles. It's the ones that try to copy and offer nothing original that get old.

How is KZ2 different? 

Its just Sci fi CoD but moving like a tank and weird controls.


(No offense to any KZ2 fans if you like the game thats fine)


While others have done new things


MAG-First console game with 256 players

CoD-  Was the first FPS to introduce a RPG like element  into shooting games, as well as people die in a few shots.

Halo- Not really anything new besides the map editor. 









Deus Ex and System Shock and Battlefield 2 say hello.

Deus ex - PC game

Battlefield 2 was on PC and it took a hole clip to drop someone.

System shock- on PC


CoD was the first console game to do so.

I agree with #3,4 & 5. #2 is a good thing, #1 well thats just a stupid complaint.

People put down the 360 for being unrealistic but ive had 3 different PS3s in 3 different years.

Another problem this gen is greed, developers purposedly leave content out the game to rip people off later the Star Wars TFU Tatooine pack was ?8 but it takes 30 mins to finish.


No Deus ex. Was badly ported to ps2. Deus ex 2 was ported to xbox

I can't complain about the cosplay.

My wife dressed up as Shanoa from Order of Ecclesia last year.


ya pc ruled then and it still has the best games PC GAMERS UNITE