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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Can Metal Gear Solid 4, Killzone 2, and FF XIII turn things around?

carlos710 said:
Lost tears of Kain said:

 I will just leave this "argument" (or stop feeding your trollish posts). No reason to 'argue' with someone that doesn't remember what he posted 30 minutes ago.

You can keep thinking that you are "kicking ass" on the internet.

Happens when you run out of things to spin, that and stop feeding words into peoples mouths. Maybe if you actually understood what we were argueing all along it wouldnt have occured.

Fine seems i am.

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.
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Anybody who thinks that those 3 games won't turn the tide for SONY and it's PS3 must be a fucking fool. First off what did Halo 3 do for the 360, it gave it tremondous momentum going into Christmas but it wasn't a "nuke" as i like to call it. It only had a major impact in America, thats it. Last week the 360 beat the PS3 by 1500 consoles, and now that it's biggest "bomb" has gone, it hasn't got shit for next year.

MGS4 will sell everywhere, JAPAN, AMERICA and EUROPE. More than Halo 3. All it has to do is sell 2 million copies in Japan ( NO PROBLEM ), 1.5 million in Europe, and 1.5 million in America. By that time in MID 2008 the install base should be above 10 million, easy. If it does this at minium it is classed as a WORLD WIDE NUKE selling PS3 like an absolute bitch and kicking the shit out of HALO 3.

Gran Turismo is another WORLD WIDE NUKE, especially in Europe and Japan. It won't sell as much as Halo but it will come damn close and i mean damn close. It will sell PS3.

 Final Fantasy is a "bomb" but it is a bomb like Halo except for Japan. It will sell PS3 like Ipods.

Don't get me wrong 360 has good games and so does the Wii, but Sony's libary of games just shits of anything else. It has been proven by the PS1 and the PS2 for about 14-15 years. 245 millon people have bought a PLAYSTATION BRAND. For 15 years they have played the all these major titles, what makes you think that these games wont make them by a PS3.

 The 360 has had a 1 year start and it can barely beat the PS3 week in week out, that is how strong the PS3 is, Microsoft has good games but the orignal Xbox sold 25 million, PS2 125 million. Who do you think the majority of the people are going to go the Wii will attract new gamers, 360 will attract the same gamers and so will the PS3.

I guarantee that by 2012 PS3 will be 1st, Wii 2nd and 360 3rd.

The PS3 isnt going to stay $499 forever and the Wii isn't going to be free when they balance out it's over.


CrazzyMan said:
endurance said:
CrazzyMan said:
Name the PS3 title that sold more week one than SMG. I think that golf game might have. Anything else?
Those games are going to be released and they are GT5, MGS4, FFXIII. Don`t you understand, that Mario game is a BRAND game. And not to mention, Wii otselling ps3 in japan by 2,5 times.
Anyway, GT5:prologue, probably will prove BRAND of Playstation. =)

And KZ2 PROVED itself on E3 2k7. =]

but you forgot to mention that the sequel to gamecubes best selling game in japan has yet to be released on wii

Name Console Publisher Japan America Others Total
Super Mario Sunshine Nintendo0.873.731.315.91
Super Mario Galaxy Nintendo0.380.750.211.34

Super Smash Bros Melee Nintendo1.444.061.086.58

While PS3 will have GT5, MGS4, FFXIII.

There was a playable Killzone 2 demo? Oh wait no, it just had some game trailers. The game looks beautiful so it must be fun right? LAIR.
You didn`t like Lair, it was HARD to contorl for YOU or what? =))
There was a lot of hype for games like Lair and heavenly sword after the E3... "OMG look at those graphics"
What YOU didn`t LIKE about HS???

And why you don't say anything about current ps3 games outselling Wii sports in japan ? :)
 Is that game at all? What STORY it has? Wii sport is for CASUALS. 

heavinly sword was a good game but short and if you dont count wii sports then what a game that has outsold zelda tp,super paper mario or dragon quest


Anybody who thinks that those 3 games won't turn the tide for SONY and it's PS3 must be a fucking fool. First off what did Halo 3 do for the 360, it gave it tremondous momentum going into Christmas but it wasn't a "nuke" as i like to call it. It only had a major impact in America, thats it. Last week the 360 beat the PS3 by 1500 consoles, and now that it's biggest "bomb" has gone, it hasn't got shit for next year.

MGS4 will sell everywhere, JAPAN, AMERICA and EUROPE. More than Halo 3. All it has to do is sell 2 million copies in Japan ( NO PROBLEM ), 1.5 million in Europe, and 1.5 million in America. By that time in MID 2008 the install base should be above 10 million, easy. If it does this at minium it is classed as a WORLD WIDE NUKE selling PS3 like an absolute bitch and kicking the shit out of HALO 3.

Gran Turismo is another WORLD WIDE NUKE, especially in Europe and Japan. It won't sell as much as Halo but it will come damn close and i mean damn close. It will sell PS3.

 Final Fantasy is a "bomb" but it is a bomb like Halo except for Japan. It will sell PS3 like Ipods.

Don't get me wrong 360 has good games and so does the Wii, but Sony's libary of games just shits of anything else. It has been proven by the PS1 and the PS2 for about 14-15 years. 245 millon people have bought a PLAYSTATION BRAND. For 15 years they have played the all these major titles, what makes you think that these games wont make them by a PS3.

 The 360 has had a 1 year start and it can barely beat the PS3 week in week out, that is how strong the PS3 is, Microsoft has good games but the orignal Xbox sold 25 million, PS2 125 million. Who do you think the majority of the people are going to go the Wii will attract new gamers, 360 will attract the same gamers and so will the PS3.

I guarantee that by 2012 PS3 will be 1st, Wii 2nd and 360 3rd.

The PS3 isnt going to stay $499 forever and the Wii isn't going to be free when they balance out it's over.


Dude it wont work, give it up. Even if it somehow does happen they wont believe it and will mock you. Nobody on this site(except for some ps3 owners) expect ps3 #1.




I personally would replace Killzone 2 with Gran Turismo 5, but that's just me.

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""""Dan Hsu defending the dumbest A.I. award given to Killzone 2""""

==> they will eat their crow at E32008.
As the asshole that stated MGS4 AI sucks just after seeing the demo played on easy by Kojima.

Time to Work !


is underestimating PLAYSTATION BIGGESt selling FranchisE


it's all about MGS, FF, KZ

WHAT KZ 2 over GT 5

GT 5 will move the MOST consoles worldwide....

Supporter of

 SONY & Nintendo

 Consoles owned - SNES, N64, PS, GC, PS2, PSP, PS3

 I DO NOT support Xbox

My prediction for YEARS END:

WII - 18.3 Million

Xbox 360 - 15 Million

Playstation 3 - 8.5 Million


Yea and my grandma will come back to life.

GT will only make an impact in japan.



i know these people keep on forgetting about GT
no GT will sell the most in europe,it will also sell alot in other territories but mostly there

Soriku said:
FF XIII ---> 2009

but 2008 in japan