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Forums - Sales Discussion - Wii Sales? A wakeup call?

Kwaad said:
HappySqurriel said:
Kwaad said:
HappySqurriel said:
Kwaad said:
Sqrl said:
Kwaad said:


I would just like to point out. Nintendo appears to have a 'higher' attach ratio. But when you dont count The 'Wii' Titles, of Sports, and Play. The picture gets a little bit uglier. I would also like to point out, that nintendo just released the most anticipated game for the console, since release, AND planned for the next 2 years. What do I mean by that? This mario game was the game everyone was waiting for when they first got their Wii. This is the game that wont be beat for years. This is the most anticipated game for the console in the near future. Mario is to Nintendo as Halo is to Microsoft.


SSBB, Mario Kart Wii, Wii Fit, etc..??? You seem to have forgotten some of the other extremely highly anticipated titles.

More than that you spend a large amount of time focusing on first year software sales of the Wii in comparison to second year software sales of the 360. People love to make this comparison because it is about the only way to put the Wii in a bad light right now. If this comparison holds up as the Wii moves into the middle of its second year then you have a valid comparison, but right now it is just stretching for it.

SSBB < Mario
Mario Kart Wii < Zelda
Wii Fit = WTF no-oneknows.

My point isnt how nintendo sucks, and the games are bad. Find one place in that thread I said nintendo sucks. I am just saying, people are buying consoles, and no games. I have been saying that for the last year. It's still the same way. It's just grandma, buys the Wii becuase everyone says it's so much fun. And then she never buys a game.

Name Console Publisher Japan America Others Total
Mario Kart: Double Dash Nintendo0.893.851.866.60
Super Smash Bros Melee Nintendo1.444.061.086.58
Super Mario Sunshine Nintendo0.873.731.315.91
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker Nintendo0.892.441.054.38

Funny how you're always wrong Kwaad

Nice way to manuplate it. Next time pick a worse mario to compare it to.

Mario Sunshine is the worst mario ever, and sold the same way. How many did Mario64, sell?

If SSB < Mario and Mario Kart < Zelda it shouldn't be possible for Mario to be outsold by Smash Bros or for Zelda to be outsold by Mario Kart .... The simple fact is that in recent history these have been Nintendo's 2 biggest sellers, it really doesn't matter how one performed that was released over 10 years ago.

Super Mario 64Nintendo1.926.873.1011.89

Super Smash BrosNintendo1.972.930.655.5
Mario Kart 64Nintendo2.245.522.119.8
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of TimeNintendo1.464.082.067.60


Overall as we see, Mario 64, was the best seller of the 64 years, by a decent margin. Even the best game of ALL TIME, was the 3rd best seller in this list. My point here, is Mario, is the biggest contendor.



Gamerace - Sony/Microsoft will win this generation AGIAN, if NIntendo dont get games. Truely, the money comes from game sales, NOT console sales. Sony makes 5$ for every game sold (roughly) same with microsoft. Here is my point. When Nintendo bombs down to 0 games sales, people will stop buying the consoles, when people stop buying games and consoles agian, nintendo stops making money. While sony, and microsoft who loose money on their consoles initally, make it all back 20fold.

I hate to say it, but blue ocean already looks like a failure to me. Nintendo is winning, they are makeing ALOT of money. But no-one else can touch the Wii, and make good money.

Wii 3rd party has been going down hill, and my point is, Wii 1st party, isnt growing NEAR as fast as I would have thought it would have. 




So since Crash Bandicoot was a bigger franchise than Metal Gear Solid on the Playstation I should expect Crash of the Titans to outsell Metal Gear Solid 4?


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u mean insane? right?

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Kwaad said:
Ok, enough battling with the Wii fanboys. This is why I hate this site. NIntendo is god, Everyone but nintendo is garbage. i'm going to go back to makeing money doing what I do. And having fun playing with my expensive toys. I just made mention of this, because I expected ALOT more sales from Mario than that. It just amazes me, that people say. "People are waiting to buy the games when they drop in price."

I just cant beleive that you guys defend nintendo like you do. What did nintendo ever do for you that makes you so damn loyal? Does nintendo pay all of you? Do you work for nintendo? It just dont make sense. Why do you want nintendo to win? They are destroying the game industry as we know it. If your a real gamer, you should be anti-nintendo. They are doing what EA did for years. If the future of games are Nintendo. I'll stick with my sony console, and get a 360. Because if the Wii is only gonna get 'blue ocean' games, it's not truely worth it to me anymore. I just seriously cant beleive the Wii fanatics here. That is why this site cant grow. Anyone who comes that dont obsess over the Wii, and denouce it as their god, can go screw a goat, and leave the site. At least that's how I feel when I am here. And it's not just when I post either. I lurk ALOT. Usually not even logged on. I just wanted to point that out before I left agian for awhile, becuase my connection speed sucks here in Laredo, so I'm gonna get off.

 Just because you don't have any facts to backup your opinion is not a reason to leave the site.

And i'm sorry that you won't buy a Wii just because you hate Nintendo. You will miss the best game ever (Mario Galaxy) 

carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"

MontanaHatchet said:
Kwaad, please don't go. A lot of people like you, even with your zaniness.


Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


MontanaHatchet said:
Kwaad, please don't go. A lot of people like you, even with your zaniness.

 I dont go for good. haha. I'm not that stubborn. It just pisses me off, when mario selling 750,000 in a week is AMAZING GOOD HOLY SHIT AMAZING!


And then a game, like Assassins Creed selling 550, is 'meh' 'no big deal'. 

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

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No one has to defend Nintendo. Their numbers speak for themselves.

Wii Code 8761-5941-4718-0078 

I came in too late...

But Kwaad and others really that ticked that Mario Galaxy sold 1.3 million in its first 2 weeks? I thought that was pretty seems the only disappointed people are the anti-Nintendo people...

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

Kwaad said:
Ok, enough battling with the Wii fanboys. This is why I hate this site. NIntendo is god, Everyone but nintendo is garbage. i'm going to go back to makeing money doing what I do.

Okay leave for the 14th time... ... this week. 

And having fun playing with my expensive toys. I just made mention of this, because I expected ALOT more sales from Mario than that. It just amazes me, that people say. "People are waiting to buy the games when they drop in price."

I agree, Japan is horrible but NA is great.

I just cant beleive that you guys defend nintendo like you do. What did nintendo ever do for you that makes you so damn loyal? Does nintendo pay all of you? Do you work for nintendo? It just dont make sense. Why do you want nintendo to win?

Why did you have to create a thread that defends your theory Wii isn't great. Was it so you can say this site is run by Wii fanboys so you look all smart and better than everyone else. Was it so you can have a flame war?

They are destroying the game industry as we know it. If your a real gamer, you should be anti-nintendo. They are doing what EA did for years.

Oh boo fucking hoo. Waaaah, I'm not going to be treated as luxuriously since casuals are coming. I WANT ATTENTION!!!! Just because casuals are coming doesn't mean it is destroying the industry. Take for example you are in a room of 25 people and you are the center of attention. Next the room gets bigger and 125 more people come in. Do you have less attention? Yes. Do you still exist? Yes.

 If the future of games are Nintendo. I'll stick with my sony console, and get a 360. Because if the Wii is only gonna get 'blue ocean' games, it's not truely worth it to me anymore. I just seriously cant beleive the Wii fanatics here. That is why this site cant grow. Anyone who comes that dont obsess over the Wii, and denouce it as their god, can go screw a goat, and leave the site. At least that's how I feel when I am here. And it's not just when I post either. I lurk ALOT. Usually not even logged on. I just wanted to point that out before I left agian for awhile, becuase my connection speed sucks here in Laredo, so I'm gonna get off.


You sound like a pissed off fanboy because the Wii is winning. Go ahead and not buy the Wii, that is your opinion. But don't shove it down our throats.


Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

BenKenobi88 said:
I came in too late...

But Kwaad and others really that ticked that Mario Galaxy sold 1.3 million in its first 2 weeks? I thought that was pretty seems the only disappointed people are the anti-Nintendo people...

I think a large element of the Mario Galaxy sales "discussions" is to draw attention away from the fact that Lair, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted and Ratchet and Clank were all hyped to be (multi) million selling games and most of them will not come close ...

Zelda may sell 5 million (with less than 2 million also on CG). Mario Kart (if the control is rock solid) 8-9 million. I just don't see any other racing game being as good as Mario Kart Wii this generation. It should even have better lifetime sales than GT5.

The only way Zelda may be able to beat Mario Kart is if you count Wii Zelda, GC Zelda, and Link's Crossbow Training as the same title.

Also, since Nintendo sells more systems, more software, and makes a ton more money from gaming than M$, I really don't understand how M$ is handing Nintendo its ass.

This thread is just trolling and we all bit the bate.

currently playing: Desktop Tower Defense (PC), Puzzle Quest (DS), Trauma Center New Blood (Wii), Guitar Hero III (Wii), Ghost Squad (Wii), Actraiser (SNES), Donkey Kong County (SNES), The Legend of Zelda (NES), Kirby's Adventure (NES)

will play next: Paper Mario (N64), Golden Axe II (Sega), NiGHTS (Wii)


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