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Kwaad said:
Ok, enough battling with the Wii fanboys. This is why I hate this site. NIntendo is god, Everyone but nintendo is garbage. i'm going to go back to makeing money doing what I do. And having fun playing with my expensive toys. I just made mention of this, because I expected ALOT more sales from Mario than that. It just amazes me, that people say. "People are waiting to buy the games when they drop in price."

I just cant beleive that you guys defend nintendo like you do. What did nintendo ever do for you that makes you so damn loyal? Does nintendo pay all of you? Do you work for nintendo? It just dont make sense. Why do you want nintendo to win? They are destroying the game industry as we know it. If your a real gamer, you should be anti-nintendo. They are doing what EA did for years. If the future of games are Nintendo. I'll stick with my sony console, and get a 360. Because if the Wii is only gonna get 'blue ocean' games, it's not truely worth it to me anymore. I just seriously cant beleive the Wii fanatics here. That is why this site cant grow. Anyone who comes that dont obsess over the Wii, and denouce it as their god, can go screw a goat, and leave the site. At least that's how I feel when I am here. And it's not just when I post either. I lurk ALOT. Usually not even logged on. I just wanted to point that out before I left agian for awhile, becuase my connection speed sucks here in Laredo, so I'm gonna get off.

 Just because you don't have any facts to backup your opinion is not a reason to leave the site.

And i'm sorry that you won't buy a Wii just because you hate Nintendo. You will miss the best game ever (Mario Galaxy) 

carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"