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Forums - Sales Discussion - Wii Sales? A wakeup call?

Kwaad said:

Due to hardware limitations, the Wii will never be truely able to do what it was designed to do, and becuase of that a Wii2, or something else is likely to come in the next 3-4 years, while the PS3, and 360, will still be being sold. And thus, the Wii will be the first to go, becuase of hardware.

 Yes, because Nintendo it's going to stop selling Wiis when it is the fastest selling machine of all time.

You fail. 

carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"

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Kwaad said:
TWRoO said:
1) attach rate is higher for cosoles that have been out longer and have more games.
2) had Wii sports not been bundled and Wii play not been included from the start, do you really think people would not have picked up a game with the Wii.
3) 360 has recently had 2 games bundled to it's most popular SKU (please correct me if i am wrong but i thought marvel and forza were for the 360 premium) which have increased recent weeks sales by 300k+ too.
4) although you state it, you seem to all but dismiss the fact that the Wii still doesn't have the same install base.... I am quite sure that any failed 360s don't add up to mean fewer active than Wiis.
5) your argument of people buying two 360s works just as well if not better for Wii, because it is cheaper, and as it is such a family console there are probably a good number of houses with one in the living room and one in some kids bedroom, meaning for the most part they only need one game for each console

 1. Total console attach rate. I am speaking from a single game basis. A console that has been out for a long time, does NOT have good attach ratio's. A great example, is PS2. GTA, the best selling game on the console. Only had a 10% attach ratio. Wii Sports has a 100% attach ratio. Halo3 has about a 30-40% attach ratio.
What? that has to do with the game.... of course a PS2 was never going to get a good ratio for itself because the PS2 sold so many units. Mario Galaxy has done pretty well in my eyes for USA...not spectacularly but it is not like Halo, SMG as a single game ratio to consoles will keep on increasing for a while, unlike Halo, which set a 40% ratio the first couple of weeks but will after christmas not keep increasing.

An example. In North America, Mario had about a 10% attach ratio on first week. Halo3 had a about 25% (wasn't it more like 35%?) attach ratio on it's first week. The older the console, the harder it is to get those numbers up. My other point on sales, is why do games like Assassins Creed, ALMOST sell as well as the #1 game of the year for the Wii?

 2. I think they would have picked up a game, but it would have been a game you can buy, a game with a full budget, a real game. Not a mini-mini-game collection. what are you refering to here?...i made this point because you were arguing to take out both 'Wii' games from this weeks numbers pulling Wii software much lower than 360 rather than a bit lower....yet you have said had they not been included people would buy almost as many games anyway.

3. Your right, but do their sales account for 300,000 weekly? Almost this week (about 280k i think) but generally about that number yes.

4. Considering the number of Wiis still in action, And the number of 360's not in action, I would still have to give the Win to the Wii for total number of consoles active. The failure rate for 360s was 30%, it may be less now, but even at 30% they didn't all break down this week thus 360 lost 30% of games sales.... There are very few 360s out of action at any one time, and people get them back from microsoft within a couple of that wouldn't stop them buying games

5.  How many people Will wait in line for consoles, to have multiple consoles in their house? Wait in line multiple times, for the same thing. I dont know many people willing to do that, and in all honesty, I cant even think of many people on here who would do that. I have 2 PS3s, but that is for networking them together and playing games together, not to have one in the bedroom. Overall, with the demand for the Wii, I just dont see how there could be a signifagnt % of people with more than one. I would also like to point out that the people who would be buying more than one, would also probibally be buying games. And I mean alot of games. Moral of the story, if you have more than 1 of the same console, your gonna be buying alot of games for it too. Not neccessarily, like i said, some families will have more than one Wii, and yes people will be doing that despite shortages...particularly near christmas (some may have bought a WIi ages ago, but they want another for the living room.

To sum your responce up.  

BenKenobi88 said:
Kwaad said:

If you want the honest answer, I would say the 360, just because sony just restructed, and dumped even MORE money into the PS3, for whatever reason. Sony is not considering it a loss yet. The 360, on the verge of looking profitable, seems to be at biggest risk, because of hardware losses, and what not, however due to the success of Halo3, pulled it out of the hole. I would have the say the Wii will be the first to go this gen. you try to explain why you think the 360 will fail...and then you say the Wii will be the first to go...without explaining at all?

Do you realize even IF the Wii's popularity died soon, like end of next year let's say...that Nintendo has already raked in a ton of money, and could do plenty to keep it going? Nintendo isn't even taking's just chugging along...if the Wii started to do poorly, we don't even know what Nintendo would try...they could lower prices, get more games out, who knows.

 I know what they would do, they would take duct-tape, and duct-tape 4!!! not 3! but 4!!! GameCubes together!!! And they would implement some new scam/gimmick.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!


Now why would Nintendo make a Wii2 to when the Wii is out selling "superior" consoles?

Wii Code 8761-5941-4718-0078 

--well in that cse the ps3 already faild b/c i dont see any 4D games out there


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Kwaad said:
BenKenobi88 said:
Kwaad said:

If you want the honest answer, I would say the 360, just because sony just restructed, and dumped even MORE money into the PS3, for whatever reason. Sony is not considering it a loss yet. The 360, on the verge of looking profitable, seems to be at biggest risk, because of hardware losses, and what not, however due to the success of Halo3, pulled it out of the hole. I would have the say the Wii will be the first to go this gen. you try to explain why you think the 360 will fail...and then you say the Wii will be the first to go...without explaining at all?

Do you realize even IF the Wii's popularity died soon, like end of next year let's say...that Nintendo has already raked in a ton of money, and could do plenty to keep it going? Nintendo isn't even taking's just chugging along...if the Wii started to do poorly, we don't even know what Nintendo would try...they could lower prices, get more games out, who knows.

 I know what they would do, they would take duct-tape, and duct-tape 4!!! not 3! but 4!!! GameCubes together!!! And they would implement some new scam/gimmick.

lol and even so? what is so bad? u know that aint true


 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

Kwaad said:
BenKenobi88 said:
Kwaad said:

If you want the honest answer, I would say the 360, just because sony just restructed, and dumped even MORE money into the PS3, for whatever reason. Sony is not considering it a loss yet. The 360, on the verge of looking profitable, seems to be at biggest risk, because of hardware losses, and what not, however due to the success of Halo3, pulled it out of the hole. I would have the say the Wii will be the first to go this gen. you try to explain why you think the 360 will fail...and then you say the Wii will be the first to go...without explaining at all?

Do you realize even IF the Wii's popularity died soon, like end of next year let's say...that Nintendo has already raked in a ton of money, and could do plenty to keep it going? Nintendo isn't even taking's just chugging along...if the Wii started to do poorly, we don't even know what Nintendo would try...they could lower prices, get more games out, who knows.

I know what they would do, they would take duct-tape, and duct-tape 4!!! not 3! but 4!!! GameCubes together!!! And they would implement some new scam/gimmick.

 Or they would release a console with no games like the ps3.

Everyone can troll. However there are mods on this thread so i suggest you to check your behavior :) 

carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"

MontanaHatchet said:
Wojtas said:
MontanaHatchet said:
As much as I hate to get into this argument...

A lot of you are saying that the Wii's first year software and 360's second year software should not be compared.

Well, that doesn't seem to a problem for hardware, as long as the Wii is winning.
Montana, that was kinda dumb on your account. I mean how many consoles can be produced during a year and then sold is one thing, but when comparing game sales it would be wise to take into account how many games are actually out. One year against two years in these terms means hell of a lot. Ya dig?


You really do like to give people a hard time, ehh?

That would be true if people were still buying first year games in large quantities though.

What can i say, i like to pick on people. I go like hmmm i'll pick on .......Montana!! It's just so easy.Well, when console A has more must have titles after two years than console B after year one, sometimes it a no brainer, but i grant you that you're right on this one. but Naz nailed us both. 


Deep into the darkness pearing

Long i stood there




Kwaad said:
BenKenobi88 said:
Kwaad said:

If you want the honest answer, I would say the 360, just because sony just restructed, and dumped even MORE money into the PS3, for whatever reason. Sony is not considering it a loss yet. The 360, on the verge of looking profitable, seems to be at biggest risk, because of hardware losses, and what not, however due to the success of Halo3, pulled it out of the hole. I would have the say the Wii will be the first to go this gen. you try to explain why you think the 360 will fail...and then you say the Wii will be the first to go...without explaining at all?

Do you realize even IF the Wii's popularity died soon, like end of next year let's say...that Nintendo has already raked in a ton of money, and could do plenty to keep it going? Nintendo isn't even taking's just chugging along...if the Wii started to do poorly, we don't even know what Nintendo would try...they could lower prices, get more games out, who knows.

 I know what they would do, they would take duct-tape, and duct-tape 4!!! not 3! but 4!!! GameCubes together!!! And they would implement some new scam/gimmick.

Yes! They would ramp up graphics significantly and add 13 more buttons to minorly enhance the gameplay!

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

I think this thread is just a load test for the new server.