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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - MArio Galaxy no longer Best game ever!

For some odd reason GR has been very slow at adding Galaxy reviews, especially ones that are 100%. Don't even think they've added the Yahoo or Wired reviews yet.

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Size doesn't matter?

anyway, doesn't stop the game being 'Mazing with a capital M.

If the reviewers did it on purpose then they are asses, but maybe they didn't, 9 is still a great score, and if their scale was just an integer 1-10 then maybe thye just didn't feel it was a 10, and the next number down happens to be 9.

You're right TWRoO, Yahoo!'s score isn't on there. Weird considering I'd call Yahoo! pretty major.

Why does everyone seem to think that Gamerankings is the end all games list?

OoT is truly one of the best games ever but it is has only had 31 reviews. Compare that to say Metroid Prime (96.3%) which has 3 times that amount.

When Super Mario Galaxy had only 31 reviews it was rated higher than OoT!

Also for some reason Gamerankings decides that only the sites in BOLD count...and there are at least 2 100% for Galaxy that are not counted for some reason.

My point is if OoT had 90 to 100 reviews it would not be rated as high. The number of reviews really means a lot.

Game rankings is not that great.

OoT is great but Galaxy is better IMO.

Super Metroid is the best game ever IMO.



Mario will have nearly triple the number of reviews by the time this all said and done. If it is able keep that high of a score then that REALLY says something about the game.

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Thank you carlos, i have successfully been avoiding that spoiler until your post.

Well, i don't really care if SMG is number one or number two. Both games are one of the most awesome games ever, but it's still surprising, that a platformer gets scored so high. Well, it definately is the best game in years, without doubt, despite anyones opinion whether it should top OoT or not.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

Just read the VideoGamer review.

Man, that was one bitchy review. Very much along the lines of "I hate all of the rest of you reviewers that are saying this game is the greatest! Even though the game truly is great, I'm gonna talk bad about it anyway and show all the rest of you punks! Nyah nyah nyah!

I will say as far as the Spring Mario levels that he rips on, there is a learning curve to Spring Mario that involves both direction and acceleration to your boinging. It does seem random and frustrating at first, but if you work at learning how to control the boingy lil' guy, it is really rewarding when you can finally hit those ? blocks with confidence 3 levels high. For me, it was one of my most fun moments. Made the hour I spent learning the control totally worth it.

So say we all, yo.

rasone77 said:

I don't know if any one has noticed yet but, OOT is once again #1

It appears to be the work of Videogamer who gave it only its second 9.0 out of ten. BASTARDS!

 Hmmmm... OOT kind of deserves to be #1.. but SMG will be game of the year!



Don't forget EDGE just gave Galaxy 10, which frankly is a shock to me after the mauling they gave MP3. Mario also picked up another 10 from Thunder (or something like that...), so I doubt that it's stabilised yet. Certainly, Metacritic is missing at least 3-5 reviews, almost all of which are in 95-100 range. Either way, it's a long way between #2 and #3 so we'll just have to see how things pan out.

Not really surprising - the overall score will be up and down for a while yet. Its either going to be #1 or #2 though - nothing lower. Once those extra couple of 10 scores are added, it will be back to up 97.5% or 97.6%.

You sort of wonder if games should be a little more "weighting" as they get more reviews.

Regardless - its basically up there with OoT, and very close. That's what really matters :)

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