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Forums - Sony Discussion - History based theory: PSP 3D in 2015


Nintendo 2005:



Sony 2007 about Wii Motion Controls:

"I think the notion of that controller is a non-trivial point that you’ve brought up, that control and that familiarity is like comfort food - from my perspective, we lead, we don’t follow. And as a brand, Nintendo’s got their thing, and we’re not trying to get the senior citizen group to get into gaming"

", but we’d never consider iterating off of existing competitive technology - because we think that’s a fad and that’s not the way we approach product development. It’s not the way we approach the marketing or the branding of PlayStation."


Sony 2010 (5 years later):

Nintendo 2010 (lol):





Sony 2010 about 3D on a portable:

"I think it remains to be seen where Nintendo goes with 3D on a portable," he added. "Having been in the portable space for quite awhile, I think it's an interesting move but one I'd like to see where they go from a demographic standpoint. 8 and 9 year olds playing 3D is a little bit of a stretch given where some of our research is right now."  


So, Sony 2015 (5 years later), will have an auto-3D PSP!


EDIT: You've heard it here first!




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the hate is strong in this one

Oh, and your math is off. You said Sony commented on teh wii two years after announcement. Now, it was more like 2 minutes, so Sony should have a 3dpsp announcement, an hour ago.

i don't want to say what i want to say right now...

Actually, taking the quote at face value in tandem with Sony's stated demographics, I'd say that the PSP2 is very possible for 3D.

I mean, teens would LOVE that stuff, right?

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This data fights yours though.

1.Nintendo comes out with the rumble pak and Sony comes out with the Dualshock  1 year later.(doubling it)

2.Nintendo comes out with an analog controller and sony comes out with dual analog 1 year later.(again doubling it)


Combining our data together we have just proven that the next psp will be 6d and will release in 2.33 years (5+1+1 /3)


N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

meh, not clever enough to be funny. It comes off as trying too hard.

flamebaiting and trolling Sony again....I just locked the last one but apparently you really want me to moderate you.


Ahhhh Wii fans........

you threads are becoming really predictable. how many iteration of the same topic can you do but feel free to continue making them they are very amusing.

OT: anyway don't think it will be as late 2015 but it wont be soon, and whether they use 3d will depend on how the whole 3d thing goes not just nintendo.

hope you can see soon that your argument for sony copying in controllers is the same as what nintendo are doing with 3d.

correct me if I am wrong
stop me if I am bias
I love a good civilised debate (but only if we can learn something).