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Forums - General Discussion - The biggest domestic US vote of my lifetime is today...

Games4Fun said:
psrock said:
TheRealMafoo said:
psrock said:

I am not you, I am actually for this "Bill" now law, and you expect me to be sad because history have been made today. The same group of people who spent trillions on crappy war are against health insurance for American people. It's a great day for me and my family, you should see us celebrating.

I was against the war too, but anyway...

Can you tell me how you, or your families lives will be better due to this bill? What's going to change for you?

if you have insurance, you will just pay more. If you didn't, you will be forced to buy it. Where's the upside?

I know plenty people in Brooklyn New york including in my family who currently have no health insurance. Some work jobs that don't provide it. They have to go and spend 8 HOURS in Kings County Hospital just to get a chance to see a doctor. You should see the way they threat these people.

I have never qualified for medicaid or family Health plus because I make too much which is nothing really, and I won't mind paying just so I feel protected. This means a lot to us in New York. I know many won't understand, but in this country the people who really need health insurance can't get it sometimes. This will end, and MR Obama is the one that will do it. What a wonderful day.

I have to use a Free Clinic at the moment myself and wait for along time for mostly decent help. I do not get treated badly though. If anything major ever happened to me I would be screwed as hell. I cant get normal insurance from my current work will in the future though at my degree job. Also, I can not really get any insurance at the moment due to a shoulder injury form a few years ago. Even if I did manage It would be horrible coverage any anything to do with my arms and back and upper chest would be denied based on my shoulders.

Oh, I have athna right now, and what a piece of crap insurance. For the AMOUNT of money i pay to my paycheck each week, I have worst insurance than most. I know this bill wont fix the system, but it's a start.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
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This will benefit my family greatly.


“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

Legend11 said:
Miguel_Zorro said:

I'm a Canadian. I think most Americans don't know what they're getting themselves into.

If I get sick, I have to wait several hours to see a doctor. When I finally get to see a doctor, I get maybe 10 minutes with them. What good is "free" health care (It's not free, I pay more for it through taxes than I would pay in a free market system) if I can't get it when I need it? Generally, if I go to a doctor, I leave without getting the issue resolved.

I'll use a common analogy - the car. In the American system, everybody buys the car that they can afford. Some people can afford amazing cars. Unfortunately, some people can't afford a car at all.

In the Canadian system, the people who can afford the really nice car still have to pay for it, but they don't get it. Instead, everybody gets the same, unreliable 30 year old car. 9 times out of 10, it doesn't even start. On the 1 time out of 10 that it actually does start, you're lucky if it doesn't blow up with you inside it.

Lots of health care systems have their problems. The American system has issues that have needed fixing for a long time. However, people who hold up the Canadian system as some sort of success model (I'm looking at you, Michael Moore) are either ignorant, intentionally misleading people, or both.

I think it's your post that is intentionally misleading people.  Any emergency room is based on triage and the reason you waited for so long is because they deemed others to be have a more serious medical emergency.  You would experience the exact same kinds of wait times in the majority of hospitals in the United States. 

If you ever find yourself in a serious accident you'll be singing the praises of our system because that's really where it shines.  The majority of bankruptcies in the United States have medical costs as a signficant factor.  Also for those that will try to blame that on a lack of health insurance, 75% of such bankruptcies are from families covered by health insurance.*

As for your 1 out of 10 claim, where are you getting that from?  Are you claiming 9 out of 10 Canadians die because of inadequate medical care?  Are you saying 9 out of 10 people in Canada don't get adequate medical care?  Seriously what exactly are you claiming and show us some numbers to back up your claim.


While I'm not going to try to support his statistics ...

The Canadian healthcare system has been on a steady decline throughout my entire life, and what we now have is a system that is crumbling and falling apart and is unlikely to survive another 10 years without substantial reform. Unfortunately, there has been significant brainwashing in Canada and people are taught from a very young age that universal healthcare is one of Canada’s crowning achievements which prevents a large portion of the population from being willing to accept the flaws; and most reasonable suggestions (to put us on par with the best healthcare systems around the world) are immediately discounted because they would lead to an "American Style Healthcare System"

The main problem is the Canadian healthcare system is seeing the same kind of uncontrolled cost increase that every (western) healthcare system is seeing; and most of the attempts to control costs have resulted in lower quality and access to healthcare, and the infrastructure (both physical and otherwise) has not been able to keep up to date.

People who use the Canadian healthcare system as a model of greatness (or even claim that it is adequate) are uninformed or misleading people.

psrock said:
TheRealMafoo said:
psrock said:

I am not you, I am actually for this "Bill" now law, and you expect me to be sad because history have been made today. The same group of people who spent trillions on crappy war are against health insurance for American people. It's a great day for me and my family, you should see us celebrating.

I was against the war too, but anyway...

Can you tell me how you, or your families lives will be better due to this bill? What's going to change for you?

if you have insurance, you will just pay more. If you didn't, you will be forced to buy it. Where's the upside?

I know plenty people in Brooklyn New york including in my family who currently have no health insurance. Some work jobs that don't provide it. They have to go and spend 8 HOURS in Kings County Hospital just to get a chance to see a doctor. You should see the way they threat these people.

I have never qualified for medicaid or family Health plus because I make too much which is nothing really, and I won't mind paying just so I feel protected. This means a lot to us in New York. I know many won't understand, but in this country the people who really need health insurance can't get it sometimes. This will end, and MR Obama is the one that will do it. What a wonderful day.

I am sorry to say this, but those people in your family that don't have health insurance, are no better off now then they were yesterday. There is nothing in this bill for them. They will not have coverage just because this bill passed.

What they will have is the ability to go to an insurance exchange, and buy insurance, if they can afford the $6,000-$10,000 that it will cost. The only people this bill helps, are those with a good amount of money, who can afford insurance, but due to a pre existing condition, can't find anyone who will cover them.

The sad thing is, there are far better ways to solve that one problem.

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It will be a ruff start no denying that, but it is a step in the direction to hopfully actually changing the system for the better.

Khuutra said:
This will benefit my family greatly.

I highly doubt that it will effect us here much. Expect some type of counter measure as it's quite unpopular here.

(assuming your family still lives here)

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

outlawauron said:
Khuutra said:
This will benefit my family greatly.

I highly doubt that it will effect us here much. Expect some type of counter measure as it's quite unpopular here.

(assuming your family still lives here)

I will move my poor grandmother out of the state myself if I have to.

Though if I go that far I might as well just bring her to Canada.

Oh my poor grandmother

Khuutra said:
outlawauron said:
Khuutra said:
This will benefit my family greatly.

I highly doubt that it will effect us here much. Expect some type of counter measure as it's quite unpopular here.

(assuming your family still lives here)

I will move my poor grandmother out of the state myself if I have to.

Though if I go that far I might as well just bring her to Canada.

Oh my poor grandmother

Haha, well. Time will tell what actually happens.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

outlawauron said:
Khuutra said:

I will move my poor grandmother out of the state myself if I have to.

Though if I go that far I might as well just bring her to Canada.

Oh my poor grandmother

Haha, well. Time will tell what actually happens.

It's a slippery slope, man. In ten years we might end up with actual, universal healthcare. In thirty, people might look back at all of these goings-on and wondered why there was such a big stink.