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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VG Charts Gaming Demographics

I am fairly new to this generation of gaming and I would like to know the demographics to see - in general - what type of people like what type of games. 

I've played games like Mario Bros, Mario Kart, Street Fighter 2 when I was younger and liked those games.  (I've never played N64, PS1 and most of PS2 - so take that into account).  However, I find myself liking new types of games now.

The reason I am curious is because as a 31 Year Old Male, I cannot see myself liking games on the list below (not complete) and for the following reasons.  I read quite a lot of reviews and news about games now - so that shows that I follow gaming a little bit.

Super Mario (eg. Super Mario Galaxy) and other platformers - it seems too "kiddy" and something that I won't like.  I know that SMG for example is getting top scores and reviews.  However, I would like to know if my demographic plays this game - or is it more younger people that would find it fun.

Older Games (Old Arcade games in XBLA as examples) - I feel its "old".  For example, I remember playing Contra and Super Contra and having so much fun - but trying out the demos on XBLA - the games seems to be no fun anymore.

RPGs - I've never really played this genre nor had a longing to play it.  I perceive them as taking too much time to play - not that other games don't take time to play.  But that is just my personal feeling

To make an analogy:

Older games are like watching old cartoons  - you have fond memories of them - but when you watch them as an adult - it kinda sucks and is actually quite boring.

Newer Games like Super Mario Galaxy - it's like watching new cartoons - as an adult it still sucks because its a cartoon (like watching Blues Clues or some kids cartoon).

Of course I am comparing these to the current game(s) I'm playing now.   I am generalizing of course, but that is how I feel about these other games.

FPS - I used to not like FPS (tried Quake or Doom on PC - don't remember which) and it seemed like the controls were too hard.  But now I really like it.  Though I've only played 2 FPS so far (COD2 and MOH Airborne)

 My own background - I currently have an X360 (less than 1 year) and PS2 (less than 2 years).   Note the following info.  Also note "Favored" as opposed to "Favorite".  I would like to get an idea what type of games you are into right now.

Age: 31  Sex: M

Favored Current Game: COD2   Favored Current Genre: WW2 FPS

Please note I'm not saying that those games are bad per se, but I am just pointing out my feelings and perceptions on those games. 

How about other posters?  Especially opinionated ones such as (I'm going by memory here, so pardon the mistakes) Soriku, Naznatips, twestern, ioi, johnlucas, kn, madskillz, etc.  I am curious as to your demographic and your favored games and genres.

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No one replied to my thread. Haha. Guess that's what being a newbie is all about.
Or maybe it's not that interesting.

Yeah, you're pretty much the average working man.

I'm willing to give almost all types of games a chance (there are some franchises I just don't like), and if they're good, I like them.



23 Male 

Love the final fantasy series on the ps1 and ps2. Looking forward to FFXIII. On consoles I love rpg games and fighting games like tekken while on the pc I love my rts games.



I know you like Nintendo Rol, but seriously, Baten Kaitos? Those games sucked!



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I'm 19 and male, and my three favorite genres are action/adventure, platformers, and real time strategy (well, strategy in general).

Here are some of my favorite console games:

(Note: I didn't include the PC because then this list would be dominated by RTS. Also, I tried not to go too far back, so I limited myself to N64/PS1 and beyond)

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (action/adventure)
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (action/adventure)
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (action/adventure)
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (though with some reservations. It was really easy, and the Triforce fetch quest was a big waste of time) (action/adventure)
Super Mario 64 (platformer)
Super Mario Sunshine (platformer)
Super Mario Galaxy (platformer)
Mario Kart 64 (racing)
Jak & Daxter 1-3 (platformer)
God of War 1-2 (action/hack & slash)
Metal Gear Solid 1-3 (um....tactical espionage action?)

I also play some sim games (city builders like Sim City, and others), but I don't play too many FPSes, RPGs, or sports games. FPS just kinda bores me for some reason, I don't know why, and I haven't played enough JRPGs to really say whether I like them or not, but WRPGs are usually too tedious for me. I don't get into most sports games, especially racing games, but the less serious ones I often find to be very fun (Mario Kart, Mario Strikers Charged, NBA and Fifa Street, etc.). I've probably spent more time playing Mario Kart 64 over the past 11 years than any other game besides possibly Age of Mythology (RTS).

I really don't see how Mario games and other platformers could really be considered "kiddy". So they don't involve shooting the shit out of stuff, yippee. They're still quite challenging and very fun. Sure, they may look like a cartoon, but since when does cartoon = kiddy? Futurama? South Park? Oh, so very kiddy.

TC, I'd suggest renting some of the games that you blast for being kiddy. You may change your mind quite a bit.

31 male

Started gaming on my cousins Atari which I enjoyed but could not convince my parents it was a worthwhile investment. Then I started trying to get them to get me a pc which they were more open to. I wanted a Tandy because I liked adventure games. What I ended up with was a TI94A a cross between a console and a computer.(most of the games were on cartridge) They had a great game called Parsec that I remember fondly to this day.

I 've gamed prety much constanly since then with some lulls but I've always been a pretty casual gamer(6-12 games a year) due to monetary restrictions.
Ive owned the following systems.

Xbox 360
A slew of PC's Starting with a 286, 386, Several Pentium starting with a P90, Several AMD's Starting with a 400MHZ, and I sadly had Cyrix in the 486 era

Ive spent a lot of time on the following friends systems: C64, Colecovision, Genisis, Saturn, PS2 

I love the following Genres:

Simulation: Flight and Mech sadly an all but dead genre
Adventure: Also Dead
RTS: although im a bit tired of it
RPG: My favorite especially with a western flair
Shooters: Third and First in that order with an emphasis on tactical

I dislike the folowing genres:

Platformers: I liked them in the NES era but Mario 64 killed it for me I dont enjoy 3d Platformers. I hate the Mechanics.
Racing: Just never had any fun with them since pole position in the arcade
Sports: I like very few sports games in RL much less on a console.

A few things to note:
My first shooter was Doom. Did not really like it but tolerated it when playing with friends. The first shooter I liked was Goldeneye. Actually I loved it . I palyed Unreal and Quake after it but did not enjoy them so I gave up on the Genre. I did not find another shooter I liked untill playing Halo 2 at Frys just to see what all the hype was about and ended up really enjoying the game. Then I played Halo 1 which I enjoyed even more. I have had a voracious appitite for shooters since then. With Half Life 2 being a high point. They are now my second favorite Genre.

I think your tastes are pretty normal for someone our age.

I should also note that I am a bit of a graphics whore and am prone to discriminate against games that have an art style I do not appreciate. EX: I like the art style of cell shaded games like Robotech Battle Cry(even though it was a mediocre game) or cartoony games like 13(which was underated imo) but games with an art style like Mario, Ratchet and Clank, Kameo Ect I find painful to look at.   

So based on our data:
Over 30 Male - don't like platformers like Mario - perceived as for younger people.
Under 25 Male - 2/3 like Mario/Zelda, 2/3 likes JRPGs

By the way, what is the difference between JRPGs and Western ones? Would it not be similar in gameplay, except for characters and art? Can someone give an example of a Western RPG?

Also, I always thought Zelda was an RPG, but I've never really played it. But from my recollection (long time ago - NES) - it was quite similar to Dragon Warrior, which I always thought was a RPG.

Makingmusic - I understand your point regarding the games I find as "too kiddy". The point I was trying to make is that it does not interest me. I am not saying they are bad games because they are kiddy. It's more of a priority ranking. For example, if I have the option of 2 games to play and only a limited amount of time - I would choose the genres I like before I would choose the platformer/"kiddy" game.

Again, I am not saying I don't like them. It's more that there is no interest on my part.
Like I said, a long time ago, I've played Super Mario Bros, etc. and liked them. However, it just seems like as I age, I have no more interest in those types of games. (Though it can change in the future).

So far, based on this limited sample size (as per the title of the thread) - over 30 males seem to not like Mario (in this example) because it has been deemed (by 2 people mind you) as being "kiddy".

Therefore, I would like to see more replies and ages - just to see if that generalization holds up - at least for VGCharts members.

i try all great games but my least favorite is RPG and rts

MontanaHatchet said:
I know you like Nintendo Rol, but seriously, Baten Kaitos? Those games sucked!

baten kaitos didnt suck