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31 male

Started gaming on my cousins Atari which I enjoyed but could not convince my parents it was a worthwhile investment. Then I started trying to get them to get me a pc which they were more open to. I wanted a Tandy because I liked adventure games. What I ended up with was a TI94A a cross between a console and a computer.(most of the games were on cartridge) They had a great game called Parsec that I remember fondly to this day.

I 've gamed prety much constanly since then with some lulls but I've always been a pretty casual gamer(6-12 games a year) due to monetary restrictions.
Ive owned the following systems.

Xbox 360
A slew of PC's Starting with a 286, 386, Several Pentium starting with a P90, Several AMD's Starting with a 400MHZ, and I sadly had Cyrix in the 486 era

Ive spent a lot of time on the following friends systems: C64, Colecovision, Genisis, Saturn, PS2 

I love the following Genres:

Simulation: Flight and Mech sadly an all but dead genre
Adventure: Also Dead
RTS: although im a bit tired of it
RPG: My favorite especially with a western flair
Shooters: Third and First in that order with an emphasis on tactical

I dislike the folowing genres:

Platformers: I liked them in the NES era but Mario 64 killed it for me I dont enjoy 3d Platformers. I hate the Mechanics.
Racing: Just never had any fun with them since pole position in the arcade
Sports: I like very few sports games in RL much less on a console.

A few things to note:
My first shooter was Doom. Did not really like it but tolerated it when playing with friends. The first shooter I liked was Goldeneye. Actually I loved it . I palyed Unreal and Quake after it but did not enjoy them so I gave up on the Genre. I did not find another shooter I liked untill playing Halo 2 at Frys just to see what all the hype was about and ended up really enjoying the game. Then I played Halo 1 which I enjoyed even more. I have had a voracious appitite for shooters since then. With Half Life 2 being a high point. They are now my second favorite Genre.

I think your tastes are pretty normal for someone our age.

I should also note that I am a bit of a graphics whore and am prone to discriminate against games that have an art style I do not appreciate. EX: I like the art style of cell shaded games like Robotech Battle Cry(even though it was a mediocre game) or cartoony games like 13(which was underated imo) but games with an art style like Mario, Ratchet and Clank, Kameo Ect I find painful to look at.