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I'm 19 and male, and my three favorite genres are action/adventure, platformers, and real time strategy (well, strategy in general).

Here are some of my favorite console games:

(Note: I didn't include the PC because then this list would be dominated by RTS. Also, I tried not to go too far back, so I limited myself to N64/PS1 and beyond)

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (action/adventure)
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (action/adventure)
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (action/adventure)
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (though with some reservations. It was really easy, and the Triforce fetch quest was a big waste of time) (action/adventure)
Super Mario 64 (platformer)
Super Mario Sunshine (platformer)
Super Mario Galaxy (platformer)
Mario Kart 64 (racing)
Jak & Daxter 1-3 (platformer)
God of War 1-2 (action/hack & slash)
Metal Gear Solid 1-3 (um....tactical espionage action?)

I also play some sim games (city builders like Sim City, and others), but I don't play too many FPSes, RPGs, or sports games. FPS just kinda bores me for some reason, I don't know why, and I haven't played enough JRPGs to really say whether I like them or not, but WRPGs are usually too tedious for me. I don't get into most sports games, especially racing games, but the less serious ones I often find to be very fun (Mario Kart, Mario Strikers Charged, NBA and Fifa Street, etc.). I've probably spent more time playing Mario Kart 64 over the past 11 years than any other game besides possibly Age of Mythology (RTS).

I really don't see how Mario games and other platformers could really be considered "kiddy". So they don't involve shooting the shit out of stuff, yippee. They're still quite challenging and very fun. Sure, they may look like a cartoon, but since when does cartoon = kiddy? Futurama? South Park? Oh, so very kiddy.

TC, I'd suggest renting some of the games that you blast for being kiddy. You may change your mind quite a bit.