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I am fairly new to this generation of gaming and I would like to know the demographics to see - in general - what type of people like what type of games. 

I've played games like Mario Bros, Mario Kart, Street Fighter 2 when I was younger and liked those games.  (I've never played N64, PS1 and most of PS2 - so take that into account).  However, I find myself liking new types of games now.

The reason I am curious is because as a 31 Year Old Male, I cannot see myself liking games on the list below (not complete) and for the following reasons.  I read quite a lot of reviews and news about games now - so that shows that I follow gaming a little bit.

Super Mario (eg. Super Mario Galaxy) and other platformers - it seems too "kiddy" and something that I won't like.  I know that SMG for example is getting top scores and reviews.  However, I would like to know if my demographic plays this game - or is it more younger people that would find it fun.

Older Games (Old Arcade games in XBLA as examples) - I feel its "old".  For example, I remember playing Contra and Super Contra and having so much fun - but trying out the demos on XBLA - the games seems to be no fun anymore.

RPGs - I've never really played this genre nor had a longing to play it.  I perceive them as taking too much time to play - not that other games don't take time to play.  But that is just my personal feeling

To make an analogy:

Older games are like watching old cartoons  - you have fond memories of them - but when you watch them as an adult - it kinda sucks and is actually quite boring.

Newer Games like Super Mario Galaxy - it's like watching new cartoons - as an adult it still sucks because its a cartoon (like watching Blues Clues or some kids cartoon).

Of course I am comparing these to the current game(s) I'm playing now.   I am generalizing of course, but that is how I feel about these other games.

FPS - I used to not like FPS (tried Quake or Doom on PC - don't remember which) and it seemed like the controls were too hard.  But now I really like it.  Though I've only played 2 FPS so far (COD2 and MOH Airborne)

 My own background - I currently have an X360 (less than 1 year) and PS2 (less than 2 years).   Note the following info.  Also note "Favored" as opposed to "Favorite".  I would like to get an idea what type of games you are into right now.

Age: 31  Sex: M

Favored Current Game: COD2   Favored Current Genre: WW2 FPS

Please note I'm not saying that those games are bad per se, but I am just pointing out my feelings and perceptions on those games. 

How about other posters?  Especially opinionated ones such as (I'm going by memory here, so pardon the mistakes) Soriku, Naznatips, twestern, ioi, johnlucas, kn, madskillz, etc.  I am curious as to your demographic and your favored games and genres.