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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 to outsell 360 for Week of Nov.17?

leo-j said:
madskillz said:
Nice ... glad the PS3 is pulling in good numbers. My question is ... will this last, especially with a drought of good games? I really, really think folks are buying it for the Blu Ray player and not so much about the games.

Dang, these numbers prove Barnum was right ...

Its only going to go up from here, the holidays are way to close.

That's actually true leo-j, but for some reason you don't seem to believe the Wii and 360 sales are going to be up for the holidays next week and beyond.  Wii sales were over 253K with the release of SMG for example in America alone.

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The PS3 will last, and I think that it will sell better than the 360 this winter. It will be by a very slim margin, but it will sell better.

As for the drought of games, every big game thats come out for the Xbox recently has come out at the same time for the PS3. The only game not included is Mass Effect, but trade that for Uncharted and R&C. The "drought" of games is simply not true anymore,
since The PS3 has as many games rated 85 and up as the 360 had its first year (13-13). And if you are fair, you can admit that some of those scores are rather biased towards the 360. (Fight Night Round 3 was higher on the 360, anyone know why?)


Both consoles had three games ranked above 90 as well. The game thing is just stupid, rumor debunked.

CrazzyMan said:
Okay, so they lose a lot of luster. It's still better than not selling at all, though.
Can you prove that with official statements? =)

Anyway, with having Ratchet (best game for kids, also good one for teens), having Uncharted(best game(experience) for teens) and having Blu-ray, imo PS3 is BEST investment for FAMILY This Christmas.
Am i wrong or right, time will show, but for now, PS3 is doing good, while it still cost more, then competitors. =)

Best investment? Possibly, but not if they want games or a certain genre.

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.

i think the mass amount of delays have hurt sony's chance of taking any sort of lead against its competition, although i dont think it will fail in terms of lifetime sales. it will be third but a very close third. anything above a very close third will be a miracle to me to be honest

madskillz said:
Nice ... glad the PS3 is pulling in good numbers. My question is ... will this last, especially with a drought of good games? I really, really think folks are buying it for the Blu Ray player and not so much about the games.

Dang, these numbers prove Barnum was right ...

There's a statistic out there that says that over 50% of people with PS3s don't even know what Blu-ray I doubt people are only buying it for that reason

Currently playing:

Unreal Tournament 3, Warhawk, Rock Band, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy XII, DMC2, then 3, and Radiata Stories

"Stop the presses// It's been a while but I'm back in session// And in the past time my flow's matured more than adolescence// It's time to learn a lesson// So get you pen and your pad out, listen close, and take heed to this blessing"


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I've owned every single Nintendo and Sony system released prior to this generation. Despite having countless hours of fun with the PSX and PS2, part of me enjoyed seeing Sony fail this time. As a proud Wii/360 owner, I am glad Sony is having some success again! I hope they keep it up! The console wars are always more exciting with Sony bringing their A Game.

Close, but no cigar:

  Japan America OthersTotal


d21lewis said:
I've owned every single Nintendo and Sony system released prior to this generation. Despite having countless hours of fun with the PSX and PS2, part of me enjoyed seeing Sony fail this time. As a proud Wii/360 owner, I am glad Sony is having some success again! I hope they keep it up! The console wars are always more exciting with Sony bringing their A Game.

The ps3 is miles ahead of the ps2 in terms of multimedia functunality, and games(during the same time perdio).



I believe at this same time in the PS2's life (2001), they had FFX, MGS2, GTA 3, and grand turismo 3. Not the same at all in terms of games. Oh, and they were now priced at $199

eugene said:
I believe at this same time in the PS2's life (2001), they had FFX, MGS2, GTA 3, and grand turismo 3. Not the same at all in terms of games. Oh, and they were now priced at $199

Those games came out a year and a half later.. in 2001.

