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The PS3 will last, and I think that it will sell better than the 360 this winter. It will be by a very slim margin, but it will sell better.

As for the drought of games, every big game thats come out for the Xbox recently has come out at the same time for the PS3. The only game not included is Mass Effect, but trade that for Uncharted and R&C. The "drought" of games is simply not true anymore,
since The PS3 has as many games rated 85 and up as the 360 had its first year (13-13). And if you are fair, you can admit that some of those scores are rather biased towards the 360. (Fight Night Round 3 was higher on the 360, anyone know why?)


Both consoles had three games ranked above 90 as well. The game thing is just stupid, rumor debunked.