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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The PES 2008 rip-off which leaves Konami laughing all the way to the bank

NJ5 said:
ckmlb said:
Seem like normal issues to me. Hardly anything game breaking, which is why it got great reviews.

Did you miss the part about online mode being practically unplayable?


 completely agree with ckmlb. the game is the best soccer game in the market. can't wait till february. it isn't perfect. but FIFA 2008 has way more problems than PES, such as shitty framerate, and lots of glitches. if there are problems online is probably cause of the PSN, xbox live works flawlessly. 

Around the Network
superchunk said:
That's why you should buy Mario Strikers. Nintendo never under delivers.

Although, Strikers was a better game on the technical side; it is not without it's faults.

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Pes = Madden, the game could be shite and it will sell amazingly.

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CDiablo said:
Pes = Madden, the game could be shite and it will sell amazingly.

Which takes us back to the thread title ;)


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NJ5 said:

The actual gameplay issues

And as for the gaming media, did you actually PLAY the game? The official Playstation Magazine awarded the PS3 version of the title 90, while PSM 3 awarded it an 86. And while the Xbox 360 doesn’t suffer from as many issues as the PS3 version, there still are physical issues which makes us question how GamesMaster can award a score of 94 and Xbox 360 World Magazine score it as a 92 ‘even with its faults’.


Sounds like the gaming "media" is about as good and ethical in the U.K. as it is here in the good ol' USA.

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