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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Donkey Kong Country and Yoshi's Island

Alright, thanks for your opinions!

It seems that the Donkey Kong Country series still has a whole lot of fans today and that Miyamoto was a little wrong about this. Even he can be wrong sometimes...

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)

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If we go by last Boss(es) alone, Yoshi's island by far! Hell, go by bosses alone. Limited ways of beating bosses in DKC compared to some interesting scenarios in Yoshi's Island.

But there's absolutely no denying that DKC started as a solid series, even though I like me some Yoshi's island. Both are fun, my preference is with Yoshi's Island, but there is no way I can call it an overly superior game. At least DKC had the sense not to make 50% of the sound effects Mario Crying. Make him like Jesus!

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.

The two best games on the SNES were DKC2 and Yoshi's Island, 2 games i would classify as 10/10. Though both DKC1, DKC3 and plenty of other games were also close to that.

I think Yoshi's Island is better than SMW.

Ironically my faviourite games on the N64 were Banjo-Tooie, DK64, Banjo-Kazzoie and Diddy Kong Racing. All were Rare games. SM64 and many others were right behind them.

But one thing was the same with the SNES and N64, Nintendo and Rare easily made the best games.

nintendo_fanboy said:
Alright, thanks for your opinions!

It seems that the Donkey Kong Country series still has a whole lot of fans today and that Miyamoto was a little wrong about this. Even he can be wrong sometimes...


No he was 100% correct, when i saw DKC1 it was the graphics i first noticed because they were so superior to anything else and what lead me to buying that game. Plus the fact it was a DK adventure game was also a big reason.

I only played some levels of the first DKC, but from what I saw, I'd say Yoshi's Island is far superior in originality, level design and style.

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I read somewhere that the higher-ups tried to get Miyamoto to make the game look super amazing with graphics similar to DKC, and he was so insulted that he went in the opposite direction and came up with the "ultra-kiddie" art style that looks like it was drawn by a 5 year old. I think they're 2 of the most beautiful games on the SNES, but for completely opposite reasons. The Yoshi's Island art style is just beautiful.

In my opinion, DKC had one of the best soundtracks of all time, and looked amazing, and the mine cart levels kicked major ass, but as far as the regular platforming went (which was the majority of the game), I've gotta go with Yoshi's Island. Oh, and Yoshi's Island had cooler boss battles. There's only so much you can do with barrels.

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Yeah I read that too about the art style of YI.

And you're right, the mine cart levels really kicked major ass!

What I don't like too much about YI is that the game is kinda slow. Unlike with Sonic, Mario or Donkey you can't run through the levels, and the flying Yoshi does after jumping always annoyed me a bit because it also makes the game slow imo.

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)

Nintendo Power sent me a video tape of DKC before it came out. Commercials, ads, and merchandise for DKC were everywhere in '94. There was a DKC CGI tv show. With Halo level hype, DK was an unstoppable juggernaut. I bought it. I loved it. I didn't buy Yoshi until two years after it came out. A few hours in, it hit me- HOLY SHIT, THIS GAME IS GOOD!

Nintendo needs to make it's games into big time events again. There is no reason why EVERYONE shouldn't be frothing for Metroid Prime 3, Zelda TP, or SMGalaxy. Everyone should have bought Yoshi's Island. Nintendo has the money now. Now bring on the marketing! "Wii would like to play" isn't the way to go for EVERY game.

I always prefered Yoshis Island. I has both games when they were released.

DKC was very popular, I remember when early screen shots of the game were released in magazines people were frothing at the mouth thinking it was a next generation game for N64 but when people realised it was for SNES it blew peoples minds. A really good game to boot but a simple Mario clone.

Yoshis Island had some extra gameplay elements with eggs and the jumpe the visual style was also a treat. Please release it on the VC soon!!

Donkey Kong Country and Donkey Kong Country 2 were amazing in every way, Donkey Kong Country 3 was *alright* but nothing compared to 1 & 2.

And for the question DKC was/is way better than Yoshi's Island.