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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sega claims PS3 to outsell Xbox 360, with the Wii in last place?

Well at least this article will make leo-j & MontanaHatchet happy. But remember, this coming from the company who is rumored to port a Nights remake to PS2 AFTER the Wii sequel comes out. And the same company who estimated Mario & Sonic to sell 4 million copies (on the future last place (lol) Wii). Sega is making lots of sense these days......  But I will buy Samba de Amigo, Ghost Squad, & House of the Dead from them (damn that's SIX ten year old games/IP's I'm committing to, since I already paid for Nights as part of the TRU Wii B2G1F Wii sale online, along with SSSB & SoulCaliber Legends)
Sega claims PS3 to outsell Xbox 360, with the Wii in last place!
By Dave Parrack
The Wii and Xbox 360 are currently battling hard to stay at the top of the hardware sales charts, while the PS3 battles to hang on to their coattails, but according to Sega, the fight isn’t over yet, and the Playstation 3 could end up trouncing the Xbox 360 and Wii.
The PS3 has so far struggled to keep up with it’s two console rivals. The fanboys can bitch and moan all they like, but the sales figures are there for all to see.
The Wii has been an incredible success, surprising gamers and the industry itself with how phenomenally well it has sold in all territories. The Xbox 360, though out a year longer, has also done well, and even beat the Wii’s monthly sales due to the Halo 3 effect. But the PS3 continues to struggle, selling under half the amount its two rivals have.
It may not all be done and dusted though, as in an interview with Games Industry, Noah Musler, Sega’s director of artists and repertoire, claimed that the PS3 may yet catch up with the Xbox 360, and even surpass it in terms of units sold. As for the Wii, he could see it ending in third place… maybe. He told them:
“But all of our projections… I think that most analysts would agree that PS3 is going to catch up to the 360, if not surpass it, as more and more big titles come out.”
“Microsoft has done a good job of closing the gap between the platforms. I don’t think they are in the situation they were in with the PS2 and Xbox 1, but it is still too soon to say.”
“There is usually a third place console, and even if it turns out to be Nintendo, which is debatable based on how successful they have been recently…although, it does seem like they might end up in that space. It is really difficult to say. We think that they are going to be neck-and-neck with PS3 and 360 for a while.”
So to paraphrase, Musler thinks the consoles will all converge and be head to head for a while, before the PS3, strengthened by the big exclusive games heading its way, will forge ahead and prove victorious. That’s quite a bold claim, and I can see little evidence for it at the moment.
I don’t think the Wii has done all it can, with demand still outstripping supply everywhere. So I wouldn’t quite write it off yet. This console generation is destined to last at least 5 more years so maybe by then the Wii will be looking quite old fashioned and cheap. The innovation which is Nintendo’s big strength will also look boring by then, but that’s a long way off and sales are still phenomenally strong.
The PS3 will have to go some before it catches up with the Xbox 360, and although there are definite signs it is heading in the right way, I just can’t see it doing so any time soon.
As always, let us know what you think…
I'm actually all for Sony doing better in the console war (it will mean better games for all of us on all systems), but I will really be suprised if they pull out the win of this generation. I think they could pull off being #2, but they need to have a phenominal 2008 or I believe it will be game over for the PS3. Long term, it is concievable that anyone can still win, it really just depend on how they play the war at this point.


BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
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There's no way the PS3 can win, but it might move software well.

I'm going to break up your post into short paragraphs to make it easier to read.



DC2 confirmed!

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


ok, someone has lost touch with reality.

Dont think wii has done all it can - very good one. i mean it is killing every other console sales wise.

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I think Sega slipped through one of the PS3's 4 dimensions.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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Sega the same company that thought the Sega CD, 32X and Saturn were going to be successful ...

NJ5 said:
I think Sega slipped through one of the PS3's 4 dimensions.




Sega is dying.

quite surprising, with all the market foresight and intelligence they are displaying....

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The views expressed here may be personal and/or offensive and are not necessarily the views of Faxanadu.

FishyJoe said:

Sega is dying.


 It's a shame

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