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Forums - Sony Discussion - Playstation Move: or how else would we have made the controller?

It's funny watching this argument go around in circles.

On the copy/ripoff side, there are three main arguments

1. Holly crap they look identical, they even have a nunchuck!? It's pretty rediculous how Sony copied the form factor and I don't see how this one can be argued.

2. Sony repeatedly chastised, mocked and dismissed the Wiimote, pretty much right up until they announced their own. It's not like they ever said "Actually, Sony values motion controls and have been working on it a long time. We're just not quite ready yet"

3. The PS3 got absolutely clobbered by the Wii so this is Sony's attempt to do what Nintendo's console was. Does anyone here actually believe that the Move would have come out if not for the Wii? If one company says "We're going to do what their doing", that's copying.

On the "Not a copy" side I see two arguments

1. They were working on the technology in 2003. So? I'm not going to get in to an argument over who developed some technology first. Hell, companies were working on things that work similar to Mii's and Avatars in the gameboy and snes days. But those things never actually made it out. It doesn't matter when Nintendo started working on motion controls (I love the Power Glove. It's so bad.), but what matters is Nintendo not only released it, but made it viable in the market so that other companies would feel obliged to copy it.

2. The technology is different/better. Well yeah! If it was the exact same technology they'd get sued. But an electric car is still a car. Employing different means to achieve the same thing is still achieving the same thing. And yes it can do more than the Wiimote. Notice how it came out years after the Wiimote? If my R&D department has the mandate of "Here's a Wiimote that was designed off of tech that's a couple years old now. Make something that works better with our technology" that's what you're going to do. I imagine Nintendo also has a lot of tech that works better than the Wiimote right now.

Too many people are getting caught up on this whole Sony had motion technology before thing. If it weren't for the Wii, Move and it's technology might never have seen the light of day.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

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joeorc said:

HARDCORE game developer publisher's Like EA, and Capcom, THQ, Sega, Ubisoft has stated their somewhat displeasure with sale's,


Uh, all these exact same publishers have also complained about HD sales in the past as well. They've all had successes and failures on all platforms, Wii included.

RolStoppable said:

I can't blame Sony for making copies of popular Wii games because people would wonder what's going on if such basic and obvious games like Bowling are missing. 


Copies eh?

Nintendo made a success out of theirs, but Sony is hardly copying.

EyeToy Play Sports came out after Wii Sports actually.

jarrod said:
EyeToy Play Sports came out after Wii Sports actually.

Check again.



Around the Network
Grooski said:
jarrod said:
EyeToy Play Sports came out after Wii Sports actually.

Check again.




Wii Sports: 11-19-06

EyeToy Play Sports: 12-31-06

jarrod said:
Grooski said:
jarrod said:
EyeToy Play Sports came out after Wii Sports actually.

Check again.




Wii Sports: 11-19-06

EyeToy Play Sports: 12-31-06

actually, wikipedia has the wrong date (as usual), but either way, those two games came out at essentially the same time, so there is no way either one copied the other. Wii Sports wasn't announced until way to late for Sony to get a copy out, and I doubt Sony announced EyeToy Play Sports early enough for Nintendo to copy it, nor would they have cared at that point.

Also, as Rolstoppable pointed out, they play very differently, unlike the Move using the same "tech demos" as the Wii used.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
11/03/09 Desposit: Mod Bribery (RolStoppable)  vg$ 500.00
06/03/09 Purchase: Moderator Privilege  vg$ -50,000.00

Nordlead Jr. Photo/Video Gallery!!! (Video Added 4/19/10)

odd how no-one blames Natal on Eyetoy games.
Surely they're just as superficially similar?

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

dtewi said:
joeorc said:
dtewi said:
joeorc said:
dtewi said:
joeorc said:

they were both wireless , the power glove used ultra sound to do changes to the function's just as the same as this control in 1956 both used ultrasound to so the same type's of remote function's to a tv. your's did it through the game system while this one did it through the TV .  the principle work's  exactly the same

You're not making ANY sense, what the hell do you mean by functions? Like punching in the numbers on the glove so it works for the game? What do you MEAN?

um yes I am:

It was mechanical and used ultrasound to change the channel and volume. When the user pushed a button on the remote control it clicked and struck a bar, hence the term "clicker". Each bar emitted a different frequency and circuits in the television detected this noise. The receiver contained a Microphone attached to a circuit that was tuned to the same frequency.

and now the

power glove

Zimmerman built the first prototype that demonstrated finger flex measurement and hand position tracking using a pair of ultrasonic transmitters

The ultrasonic speakers take turns transmitting a short burst (a few pulses) of 40 kHz sound and the system measures the time it takes for the sound to reach the microphones. A triangulation calculation is performed to determine the X, Y, Z location of each of the two speakers, which specifies the yaw and roll of the hand. The only dimension it can't calculate is the pitch of the hand, since the hand can pitch without moving the location of the two ultrasonic speakers.


No you are not making sense.

All you're fucking saying is that there was a remote that used sound to determine what button is pressed. Then you compare that to a PROTOTYPE of the Power Glove that slightly resembles that idea. Then you compare the power glove to that. It is such a stretch of the mind I am completely baffled you would use that as a decent analogy.

Now, please shut up forever.

not slightly it uses the exact same principle to switch function's :

ultrasonic control's

so you can quit now your self

Ultrasound is the only reason they're similar!!!!

And it's such a weak similarity it makes the remote completely trivial!

Do you know what ultrasound is? If you did, you probably wouldn't use it as the reason for why they're similar.

if you know, it was not just a small part in it's function's it was a big part. do not disreguard one of it's core part's just because hey "it only used ultrasound" like it's nothing when it used burst signal's to transmit. without doing that the powerglove would not have worked the same way.

as a matter of fact the ultrasound technology they used was a big part think about this for a sec. just like sonar or radar of a bat with sonar location.


Zimmerman built the first prototype that demonstrated finger flex measurement and hand position tracking using a pair of ultrasonic transmitters

The ultrasonic speakers take turns transmitting a short burst (a few pulses) of 40 kHz sound and the system measures the time it takes for the sound to reach the microphones. A triangulation calculation is performed to determine the X, Y, Z location of each of the two speakers, which specifies the yaw and roll of the hand. The only dimension it can't calculate is the pitch of the hand, since the hand can pitch without moving the location of the two ultrasonic speakers.

with out it certain game's would not have been able to determine certain thing's about your postion because just like a Bat used sonar to tel it certain thing's this is doing thing's like that.

like i said please do not disreguard something that's a core because you think is somehow just a trivial function


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.


