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Forums - Gaming Discussion - NERD RAGE! : Who is the loudest Community?! (in Forums/game/youtube ..ect)


NERD RAGE! : Who is the loudest Community?! (in Forums/game/youtube ..ect)

Call Of Duty FANS , F$%@# cAmPeRZ F2#R 18 27.69%
Halo FANS , STFU Noob its... 25 38.46%
SOCOM FANS (jesus even the name is in Caps) 5 7.69%
Valve FANS,they made STEA... 9 13.85%
World Of Warcraft FANS (t... 8 12.31%

I love Halo, I really do, but those frakkin' kids calling me N****** and f** just piss me off. I'm so glad for muting.

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Anyone reading World of Warcraft official PVP forums should have shitstorm protector suit, or atleast a HUGE umbrella.

SOCOM community is as mature as it gets. I'd say the worst would be WOW PvP players (that was me :P), than console CoD and Halo community, than SOCOM and PC. CoD and Halo in general should have much lower average age than PC and SOCOM.

MY HYPE LIST: 1) Gran Turismo 5; 2) Civilization V; 3) Starcraft II; 4) The Last Guardian; 5) Metal Gear Solid: Rising

WoW did not invent 'noob.' That term predates the widespread adoption of the internet. I'm talking about Bulletin Board Systems, people. Of course, back then we weren't afraid of using two syllables for 'newbie.'

But I still voted WoW for the incredible amount of drama over trivial things. It's a nice microcosm for the real world.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

u wanna see nerd rage???check this out for WOW for all nerds out there haha.

I'll have to go with WoW fans as well. But it's quite surprising, did the term noob really come from the Warcraft franchise? that's news to me.

And yeah, I do agree that the Halo community has quieted down a BIT.

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Sev, can the boobs of your sig get any bigger? o.O

coolbeans said:
I'm gonna say Valve fans. While it's hard to fit them in the loudest in comparison at first glance, it just seems that on forums since the super majority find Valve to be the best dev. that anyone who could find any other fps series better than Half-Life will get a lot of flaming his/her way.

How dare you say that!!! Half life is the BEST FPS SERIES ever made.


Wait a minute, it seems that I'm proving your point by acting this way, oops, I'm a huge Half life fan so let's just say I responded spontaneously, hehe.

Go check out /b/ on 4chan

nerd rage is a term made up by scrubs so they can have something to say when they get told they suck rhino cocks at a game.

if you cant take someone telling you that you suck then get better or stop playing.

multiplayer games are inherently competitive, and some people are more competitive than others.

thats like telling michael jordan he's jock raging because they didnt win a championship.

kevsarus said:

nerd rage is a term made up by scrubs so they can have something to say when they get told they suck rhino cocks at a game.

if you cant take someone telling you that you suck then get better or stop playing.

multiplayer games are inherently competitive, and some people are more competitive than others.

thats like telling michael jordan he's jock raging because they didnt win a championship.

Except that Michael Jordan got paid millions to win and you get a shiny number next your name when you win


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