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Forums - Sales Discussion - Euro Sales - Major Wii boost with SMG

mrstickball said:
......Did anyone notice that *maybe*, just maybe the Wii sale increase was due to the holiday increases rather than SMG?

After all, the X360, DS, PS3 and PSP all increased too.

You crazy kids, you failed to look at anything else before calling the Wii increase due to SMG! Sigh. When will you learn...

I'm no stranger to the concept of fighting fire with fire, but dude, this only makes you look like a hypocrite.

Anyway, clearly Galaxy is doing better than any other Wii game. I don't think anyone could have expected more.

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Boy, I make one comment saying that some of the sales were due to holidays, and get jumped on by 10 different people.

I know that some of the sales are SMG, but not all of it.

No one, and I repeat, no one, aside from me said anything about the sales being due to a Holida boost. Nintendo_Fanboy said that the boosts should/would come later, but not now.

I was the only single person to notice the boost from last week. But when I mention that everything got a boost, I get flammed, attacked, called a troll, and everything else.

Aren't you just getting a little bit touchy over such a simple subject? I'll admit, I was wrong in the fact the Wii got a bigger boost, but I fail to see why I need to get jumped on by every single person like a wolf pack.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

And by holidays, Im not reffering to just one day, but the gradual increase of sales for the November-December holiday period. Historically, every system increases during this time. We see it every year.....Which is why I attributed parts of the increase to that.

For refference, look at the increase in sales in the US and Japan for overall hardware sales to see I'm not wrong.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Helios said:

Anyway, clearly Galaxy is doing better than any other Wii game. I don't think anyone reasonable could have expected more.

 FYP, thank me later~

To Each Man, Responsibility
MikeB said:
@ Faxanadu

FYI, I like the Wii and Wii Sports. I only said Mario Galaxy seems to be performing sales wise below expectations I love Mario64 and Super Mario World, owned a Snes and N64, me and my girlfriend both own and love our Nintendo DSs and love New Super Mario Bros! Am I now entitled to state my opinion?

 No your not.



Expect to be jumped on when you talk in condescending and rude tones to people who are actually right. If you had made your point politely then I get the feeling the replies would have been more polite as well.

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Rath said:
MikeB said:
@ Faxanadu

FYI, I like the Wii and Wii Sports. I only said Mario Galaxy seems to be performing sales wise below expectations I love Mario64 and Super Mario World, owned a Snes and N64, me and my girlfriend both own and love our Nintendo DSs and love New Super Mario Bros! Am I now entitled to state my opinion?

No your not.



Expect to be jumped on when you talk in condescending and rude tones to people who are actually right. If you had made your point politely then I get the feeling the replies would have been more polite as well.

I have to agree, the tone of the post definitely invited a strong responce, but I think most would agree neither the responces nor the tone of his post were justified.

Its just holiday frustration starting up early, can't we just say play nice and move on folks?

Let me start:  


Yes the boost is almost certainly in part do to SMG but there is real consideration that needs to be given to the holiday factor.  We already know from the TRU anecdotes that people realise they need to get out there to get a Wii early if they want any chance of finding one at all so it is more than believable that the increase owes a significant percentage to the holiday factor.  But ultimately we can agree the increase is 100% due to more units being shipped.


Come on folks...shake hands & hug!   

To Each Man, Responsibility

Why do you guys think the wii will hit 20 million? Ther is only one month and it it sells out it can only sell about 2 million units in that month, ninty is only making 1.8million a month.



i think the wii would have had a pretty good chance for selling 1 mil in a week if it werent for the shipment restraints... too bad:(

leo-j said:
Why do you guys think the wii will hit 20 million? Ther is only one month and it it sells out it can only sell about 2 million units in that month, ninty is only making 1.8million a month.

I think most people are putting the number at about 19-19.5m actuall, but as long as it gets to about 18.5m I will call it a fantastic holiday, 17.5m-18.5m is probably just "good".

In any case if you are correct and it only gets to 16m you will look like a genius, just be willing to admit you were wrong when/if you are. 

To Each Man, Responsibility
leo-j said:
Why do you guys think the wii will hit 20 million? Ther is only one month and it it sells out it can only sell about 2 million units in that month, ninty is only making 1.8million a month.

Maybe that has something to do with me.

It's somewhere in there. And if that's not enough the info is summarized in my current signature which follows:

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot

AT VERY LEAST 20 Million worldwide Wii sales by December 31, 2007 at 11:59:59.9 PM (the end of the calendar year not fiscal year). MAX end-year total: 24 Million worldwide. Believe it.

John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot