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Forums - General Discussion - Touching Video Game Story

very touching =]

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This leaves a hint of exploitation in my mouth, but from now on, any time someone complains about non-gamers ruining gaming, I'm going to link to this comic.">">

That's so sad :(

Some one else heard the "Story-telling"-tune from Super Mario Galaxy in their head when they read it?

Predictions for December 31st 2008:
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DS 84,500,000
PS3 17,000,000
PSP 41,000,000
X360 23,000,000

Galaki said:
ItsaMii said:
Call me gay

You're gay.

Beautiful story, indeed.

 And I call you "Mr quote it out of context".

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

I cried.

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Sqrl said:
I have never played the game and I was able to get the point through context. I don't see what is so challenging about this ....

 Same here ... its true that I saw a couple of concept movies . Anyways , the story is really nicely done ... Im surprised that simple drawings and a couple of sentences could almost make me cry ... 

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

ItsaMii said:
Galaki said:

You're gay.


And I call you "Mr".

 So, if I'm quoting this correctly, Itsamii, You... are Mr Gay?">">

Nintendownsmii said:
I cried.

 Me too.