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Forums - General Discussion - Touching Video Game Story

In comic form. 

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......Doesnt make much sense but its touching.



thats really sad :(

How does that not make sense you 15 year old @#$#@$. No wonder you have to play 'mature' games that instruct you exactly where to go and who to shoot. run around that corner and shoot 5 guys. then run around that corner and shoot five guys. ok now its hard. shoot that big guy.

He played AC.
He stopped.
His mom started playing.
While she played she wrote letters and stuf too him in the game.
She died.
His MOTHER died.
One day thinking of her after her DEATH, he played AC.
He noticed that she had left him letters and such.
Its like reading your dead mom's diary about her truest feelings for you and that love you would really like to have again after her death.

This why I have filled out all three of my children's baby books, and my wife has a diary of special events and her own personal thoughts for her kids. Very touching story.

Sad =/.

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That's really sad. 

leo-j said:
......Doesnt make much sense but its touching.

 No offense, but you need to grow up to understand it...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

There's a version w/ music, too. I think that the comic form throws everyone for a second, since we expect a punchline. Very well done.

Joystiq says it is written by someone at IGN....anyone know who?

That' beautiful....

Lay off Leo-J! If sadness was supposed to instigate anger, we would all be forced to live emotionless lives.

Gee, before that comic loaded, all I could think was,

"Oh god, I hope it's not going to be a long cat!"



People who enjoyed the above may enjoy this one (old though). Warning, poor spelling/grammar ahead: