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Forums - Website Topics - website request (important)

Stop insulting people golden. I don't think its particularly important and you just implied I don't have half a brain, you also called Duke simple for thinking it would over complicate the entire thing.

I don't really think its needed. We all know that Wii Sports + Forza + Marvel + Pinata are inflated already and this just makes everything very complicated. I'm not even sure if Ioi can track the number of bundled sales (of 360 games that is)

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I'll look into it, but ioi has always counted all bundled sales as actual sales (since they are) and I don't see his stance changing much on it. Losing the attitude would help get your point across and actually listened to, by the way.

I will insult someone who thinks its hard to read one more figure yes, this shouldn't be home to pre schoolers anyways. As well, even if you don't like the idea, I would like to see someone try to argue the DAMAGE it would do versus the good it would do and actually try to win over the favor of not doing it.

And it can't be that difficult for ioi considering forza 2 is suddenly topping the charts where as it was selling like 5k before. Right now I believe the main bundled games are wii sports (easy to track, totally bundled in america, not at all in japan, etc), motorstorm (only included in the 80 gig ps3 I think), forza 2 all worldwide, viva pinata in japan/europe, and marvel in the US. ioi obviously has the sales data for all of these games prior to their bundled sales, and he is obviously trying to track the bundles on a weekly basis which is why marvel and forza are suddenly outselling halo.

Note: Some games in my collection are no longer owned, but have owned.

You don't give up on insulting people do you Golden?

People don't agree with you because it would make the charts confusing and complicated when they are entirely understandable now.

so if under the bar it had a black text that says '431,000 bundled sales' would cause your mind to explode?

You poor thing. My idea was just one idea, if someone comes up with a more functional way to just simply specify what of the data is bundled, that's all that matters.

Note: Some games in my collection are no longer owned, but have owned.

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Golden, there's no reason to continually berate Rath for his opinion. If you don't agree with it, fine.

Or check out my new webcomic:

I'm not sure I care that much, but I know that a lot of software sales are helped by bundles. When I bought my PS2, there was no way to buy it WITHOUT a game... Sadly, the bundle I ended up with had WRC, the most ludicrous rally game in history. Two weeks later, the MGS 2 bundle arrived and I tore my hair out weeping!

His opinion is silly, to condemn an idea that can do no harm is just stupid, usually i'm fine with an opinion, but this is like saying winning free money is bad because it might be taxed too. He isn't backing up his 'opinion' with a flip side or reasoning that actually means anything.

Big part of debate, you need something to debate with before trying to debate. Now I don't consider myself perfect, if someone can create a valid reason as to why adding a number for bundled estimates or something of that nature would actually harm the site then by all means, talk about it, enlighten my ignorance. As of now though, I think not having this damages the site more then anything, by adding the variable i'm asking for, you specify to the crowd who wants to know one thing while still catering to the crowd who might like how it is now.


Note: Some games in my collection are no longer owned, but have owned.

goldenpp72 said:
So I was looking through some 360 titles and noticed viva pinata got a big boost in europeon sales, as well as titles like forza and marvel, I assume it is through the bundles. I think this site should track bundled sales in a more specific way, perhaps some kind of black bar that overlaps the different territories to show the ratio of bundle vs normal sale. Apply this to titles like wii sports as well. Any way to specify the number of BUNDLE vs normal would be great though, many people I debate with (myself included) do not consider bundled sales to be impressive modifiers to how well a game has actually sold, so to be a reliable sales data site I think this is needed.  


I agree. It is needed.

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I'm saying that intricacies in data don't need to be shown on the charts as all they will do is cause clutter and confusion. There is a lot of useful information that could be shown, some of it much more useful than whats bundled and what isn't (such as regional sales, where does the 360 sell most in the USA for example) but not all of it will be shown simply because there is far too much information.

Currently the charts are clean cut and tidy, they are easy to understand for anybody.

The bundled information you can practically work out in your head anyway, Forza and Marvel were both practically dead before they were bundled, Wii sports is purely bundled. I am against adding a whole lot of information that isn't necessary to the charts.

Oh and please stop randomly insulting my, and others, intelligence simply because you can't seem to debate in any other way.