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I will insult someone who thinks its hard to read one more figure yes, this shouldn't be home to pre schoolers anyways. As well, even if you don't like the idea, I would like to see someone try to argue the DAMAGE it would do versus the good it would do and actually try to win over the favor of not doing it.

And it can't be that difficult for ioi considering forza 2 is suddenly topping the charts where as it was selling like 5k before. Right now I believe the main bundled games are wii sports (easy to track, totally bundled in america, not at all in japan, etc), motorstorm (only included in the 80 gig ps3 I think), forza 2 all worldwide, viva pinata in japan/europe, and marvel in the US. ioi obviously has the sales data for all of these games prior to their bundled sales, and he is obviously trying to track the bundles on a weekly basis which is why marvel and forza are suddenly outselling halo.

Note: Some games in my collection are no longer owned, but have owned.