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Forums - PC Discussion - Top 5 PC games

I know this will be hard. But I would like to know everyone's top 5 PC games ever. In order. My list will be



Dune 2000

Red Alert 2


Bad Company 2(I didn't play PC games for years and years. So I can't remember all that many right now lol)


Portal would be number 6. I have spent countless hours playing starcraft single player and multiplayer. For a year, it was the only game I played. Everyday after school I would go on and play for 5 hours a day lol.

Around the Network

1: Betrayal at Krondor

2: Baldur's Gate II

3: Stone Prophet (Ravenloft)

4: Half-Life 2

5: Deus Ex/Gothic 2 (a tie for 5th imo)

No order.

Diablo II
Mass Effect 2
Baldur's Gate II






I must try baulder's gate. I played the PS2 games. And those were amazing. But I really love the world. Anyone know where I could pick up the original ones for the computer?

Cicilization 2
Master of Orion 2
Diablo 2
Baldur's Gate 2
The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind

I know...that's a lot of sequels.

Around the Network

1. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
2. Warcraft 2
3. Civilization 2
4. Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
5. Starcraft

Sharky54 said:

I must try baulder's gate. I played the PS2 games. And those were amazing. But I really love the world. Anyone know where I could pick up the original ones for the computer?

The PC games are vastly different though (and miles better imo, even though I loved the PS2 ones as well) and the PS2 versions are a lot more action oriented. Finding the originals on disc will be very hard indeed, not only because they're old but also because whoever owns them will be loathe to part with their copies. You might try your luck on eBay or Amazon but I doubt you'll find good copies and I don't think you can get them from the publisher any more either. There is talk of both BG games coming to Steam but its all just whispers on the wind for now.

The amount of depth to the world, characters and gameplay is simply staggering in both games and should be experienced by any true RPG fan of all ages and groups. The only problems one might consider are heavily outdated graphics and a (now) less than streamlined interface, especially the first one is somewhat clunky at times.

1. Rome Total War
2. Company of Heroes
3. Empire Earth: the Art of Conquest
4. Empire Total War
5. Napoleon Total War

{6. Medieval II Total War}

Mummelmann said:
Sharky54 said:

I must try baulder's gate. I played the PS2 games. And those were amazing. But I really love the world. Anyone know where I could pick up the original ones for the computer?

The PC games are vastly different though (and miles better imo, even though I loved the PS2 ones as well) and the PS2 versions are a lot more action oriented. Finding the originals on disc will be very hard indeed, not only because they're old but also because whoever owns them will be loathe to part with their copies. You might try your luck on eBay or Amazon but I doubt you'll find good copies and I don't think you can get them from the publisher any more either. There is talk of both BG games coming to Steam but its all just whispers on the wind for now.

The amount of depth to the world, characters and gameplay is simply staggering in both games and should be experienced by any true RPG fan of all ages and groups. The only problems one might consider are heavily outdated graphics and a (now) less than streamlined interface, especially the first one is somewhat clunky at times.

Well, I am a fan of WRPGS. And I know the games are more RPG like then the PS2 games. I loved how you could find a item with a paragraph as its name though. "+5 flaming bastard ice battle axe of keen wounding" XD. My brother and I used to always joke about that. I must say. I am kind of sad. Only I hold starcraft as gaming bliss?

Sharky54 said:

I must try baulder's gate. I played the PS2 games. And those were amazing. But I really love the world. Anyone know where I could pick up the original ones for the computer?

Try Amazon for the compilation of the original, its sequel and their add-ons.

If you do pick it up, make sure you get the widescreen mod (which allows you to play in your monitor's native resolution, so you're not stuck to the default 800x600), along with the BG Tutu mod (allows you to play the whole series with one character all the way through) and also the various ease of play and UI mods which make a host of tweaks to the game and its UI making it much more pleasant to play. This forum post gives a summary of the various mods available and their suggested install order. Also be aware that you'll be committing well over 200 hours if you intend to play all the games, epic seems too small a word to describe them...