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Sharky54 said:

I must try baulder's gate. I played the PS2 games. And those were amazing. But I really love the world. Anyone know where I could pick up the original ones for the computer?

The PC games are vastly different though (and miles better imo, even though I loved the PS2 ones as well) and the PS2 versions are a lot more action oriented. Finding the originals on disc will be very hard indeed, not only because they're old but also because whoever owns them will be loathe to part with their copies. You might try your luck on eBay or Amazon but I doubt you'll find good copies and I don't think you can get them from the publisher any more either. There is talk of both BG games coming to Steam but its all just whispers on the wind for now.

The amount of depth to the world, characters and gameplay is simply staggering in both games and should be experienced by any true RPG fan of all ages and groups. The only problems one might consider are heavily outdated graphics and a (now) less than streamlined interface, especially the first one is somewhat clunky at times.