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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I JUST GOT A WIIIIIII

@ Montana, i agree. Naruto sucks, but Shikamaru is the only good thing about the show

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I'm jealous of you and your Wii60 glory. I need the 60 part still... and I really want that 60 part!

I don't have time for the 60 part. Recently bought Metroid, Mercury Meltdown Revolution, Trauma Center, MLB Power Pros, and Brain Age.

Power Pros is a great game.

update: i feel like a 13 year old girl..... i love mario galaxy, i have only 2 stars so far.. i have so much funnn shooting at goombas :P . rosalinda is hot!!!! :P

i just scored a perfect game in wii bowling i are the pwnnnn. i used to say that wii sports was crap, but its a really great game. thanks you nintendo for having a free game with the system.

thanks you nintendo for making me believe in you again. motion controls are da shit, i can't wait to play metroid prime 3 with the Wii controls, and zach and wiki.

Glad you found one, i went looking for a wii today and the stores have none, its been over a week since any of the stores had even one and they have no idea when they will even get more. But the stores seem to be loaded with PS2's, wal-mart had around 100 of them, two whole cases stuffed. Future shop had around 30.

I wonder what Nintendo is doing with all the wiis they make. If they can't meet demand, people will be forced to buy the 360 or the PS3 this Christmas, the masses will not wait for Nintendo to get their shit together.

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Everyone has their taste, I found that because I have a small room that the ps3 is a good choice. Reason I say that is because if I bought a wii60 combo I still wouldn't be able to watch blu ray or hddvd without spending extra money and it taking up even more space.
Having said that if you are having fun with the wii then good hunting