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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Crysis 2 : 360 first look and 360 screenshots.

flowjo said:
alan wake is technically nowhere near games like killzone2, heavy rain , Uncharted 1 or 2 , gow 3 or crysis 1 or crysis 2.

alan wake has nice lighting thats about it , some of you 360 fans need to take the glasses off for a change, some of you crazies are even calling halo reach the best looking game on console what a joke your self esteems are

Irony at its best.. Another one throwing the word "technically" in there trying to be smart without knowing what he's talking about... And you're coming into an X360 thread telling us to take off our glasses? How about you remain in your own PS3 threads since you're clearly biased towards it, and leave these threads alone? Go take your console war crap elsewhere. It's not needed in this thread. You people derail enough threads as it is. The discussion was whether those screens are from the X360 version or not. Not if the PS3 or X360 is better.

Truth does not fear investigation

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All this bickering for no good reason. The net shots are probably publicity shots taken from PC. They're Hi-res and have lots of anti-aliasing and whilst the Crytek guys are geniuses they have a lot of HDR which both consoles struggle with at the best of times.

As for the argument over the shots in the PS3 and 360 mags I refer you to this Cryengine 3 demo:

They can design both versions at the same time. In all likelyhood if the mags say they're running on PS3 and 360 hardware I see no reason to suspect they're lying, as both versions can be done in the same time frame. From the vid the engines look very similar with minimal differences.

joeorc said:
Twistedpixel said:

You can walk around with a pair of welding goggles on or you can walk around with a full vision of your surroundings. Im the latter and you're the person with the welding goggles. Viva la eyefinity.

welding goggles huh..

I just do not think to play the game at the higher setting's is worth the added cost to upgrade my PC.

even though I could, I will not do it because I have no interest in doing so.

beside's I use my PC mainly for work, not playing game's.

Yes the PC is better I know that, the PS3 and the xbox360 cannot compete with the full  capability of some PC gaming rig's because of the ability of what you can add to them, but on the same token. I think it's even more of a waste of money to do that on PC's to play a handful of gams that developer's that make PC game's will rarely exploit that hardware.

I have only so much time in the day to play game's its not  a big deal to me if I cannot play a game or two at higher setting's since the story line will be the same, yes in many cases the PC will get Mod's for game's while that is a big bonus, an a incentive for some people to go with PC. instead of the PS3 or the xbox360 once again not everyone care's about mod's

Its not just higher settings, its also about the experience of how you view it through your eyes and how you interface with your hands with this world. A smoother control system gives you greater immersion than one which is jerky. These things have nothing to do with the setting the game is run at but an experience you may choose to partake in which you cannot get on a console.

Do you know what its like to live on the far side of Uranus?

flowjo said:
alan wake is technically nowhere near games like killzone2, heavy rain , Uncharted 1 or 2 , gow 3 or crysis 1 or crysis 2.

alan wake has nice lighting thats about it , some of you 360 fans need to take the glasses off for a change, some of you crazies are even calling halo reach the best looking game on console what a joke your self esteems are

What exactly are you talking about?

If you're saying that Killzone 2 > Alan Wake in terms of developer polish and technology then you'd probably be wrong. Alan Wake has been more than 5 years in the making and it shows.

if you're saying that Killzone 2 pushes more visual effects at once, then I cannot say but its a metric which drags the PC into the equation as theres no point in talking about absolute performance without considering all the alternatives.

Either way its not a clean win for Killzone 2.


Do you know what its like to live on the far side of Uranus?

Twistedpixel said:
joeorc said:
Twistedpixel said:

You can walk around with a pair of welding goggles on or you can walk around with a full vision of your surroundings. Im the latter and you're the person with the welding goggles. Viva la eyefinity.

welding goggles huh..

I just do not think to play the game at the higher setting's is worth the added cost to upgrade my PC.

even though I could, I will not do it because I have no interest in doing so.

beside's I use my PC mainly for work, not playing game's.

Yes the PC is better I know that, the PS3 and the xbox360 cannot compete with the full  capability of some PC gaming rig's because of the ability of what you can add to them, but on the same token. I think it's even more of a waste of money to do that on PC's to play a handful of gams that developer's that make PC game's will rarely exploit that hardware.

I have only so much time in the day to play game's its not  a big deal to me if I cannot play a game or two at higher setting's since the story line will be the same, yes in many cases the PC will get Mod's for game's while that is a big bonus, an a incentive for some people to go with PC. instead of the PS3 or the xbox360 once again not everyone care's about mod's

Its not just higher settings, its also about the experience of how you view it through your eyes and how you interface with your hands with this world. A smoother control system gives you greater immersion than one which is jerky. These things have nothing to do with the setting the game is run at but an experience you may choose to partake in which you cannot get on a console.

the smoother control system is once again based on the taste's of the person, I think the crontroller is better control scheme than KB an Mouse.

nothing wrong with Keyboard and Mouse but I just like the controller better, which you can get for PC's anyway. but that is beside's the point.

I do not think the upgrade cost is worth it for me just for a handful of game's that get released for PC that take advantage of those better spec's.


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

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joeorc said:
Twistedpixel said:

Its not just higher settings, its also about the experience of how you view it through your eyes and how you interface with your hands with this world. A smoother control system gives you greater immersion than one which is jerky. These things have nothing to do with the setting the game is run at but an experience you may choose to partake in which you cannot get on a console.

the smoother control system is once again based on the taste's of the person, I think the crontroller is better control scheme than KB an Mouse.

nothing wrong with Keyboard and Mouse but I just like the controller better, which you can get for PC's anyway. but that is beside's the point.

I do not think the upgrade cost is worth it for me just for a handful of game's that get released for PC that take advantage of those better spec's.

I use a controller for PC games. So please think again about what I mean by 'smoother controls'.

Do you know what its like to live on the far side of Uranus?

LOL, all those PS3 fans that were spanking it to the pictures thinking they were from the PS3 version must be feeling real dirty right now. :) Watch this game look and play better on the 360.

Seriously this isn't a case of a developer spending 4 years on a game for the PS3 and then at the end deciding to do a quick 3 month port job to the 360.

Legend11 said:
LOL, all those PS3 fans that were spanking it to the pictures thinking they were from the PS3 version must be feeling real dirty right now. :) Watch this game look and play better on the 360.

Seriously this isn't a case of a developer spending 4 years on a game for the PS3 and then at the end deciding to do a quick 3 month port job to the 360.

we do not know how it play's for each system yet

or how about how the game was being done at the same time for every platform:


" crysis 2 development for the PS3 is happening simultaneously with the PC"


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

Scoobes said:

All this bickering for no good reason. The net shots are probably publicity shots taken from PC. They're Hi-res and have lots of anti-aliasing and whilst the Crytek guys are geniuses they have a lot of HDR which both consoles struggle with at the best of times.

As for the argument over the shots in the PS3 and 360 mags I refer you to this Cryengine 3 demo:

They can design both versions at the same time. In all likelyhood if the mags say they're running on PS3 and 360 hardware I see no reason to suspect they're lying, as both versions can be done in the same time frame. From the vid the engines look very similar with minimal differences.

Stop making sense.. its hurting the forums!

Scoobes said:

All this bickering for no good reason. The net shots are probably publicity shots taken from PC. They're Hi-res and have lots of anti-aliasing and whilst the Crytek guys are geniuses they have a lot of HDR which both consoles struggle with at the best of times.

As for the argument over the shots in the PS3 and 360 mags I refer you to this Cryengine 3 demo:

They can design both versions at the same time. In all likelyhood if the mags say they're running on PS3 and 360 hardware I see no reason to suspect they're lying, as both versions can be done in the same time frame. From the vid the engines look very similar with minimal differences.

Well said.  This is one of the first true multiplatform engines designed to support PS3/360/PC equally with minimum fuss and without any one version being the lead.

Personally I'm just excited to see what kind of games this engine supports, plus how it fares against the new id Tech5 - which is also apparently a true multiplatform environment.

The next wave of big multiplatform titles should all see a nice boost in performance on the back of this new wave of engines, and that's a good thing for everyone, PC, PS3 or 360 gamer.


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...