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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Crysis 2 : 360 first look and 360 screenshots.

Ok I'll just say it's sad to see so many people dont have a clue. Back in February Crysis 2 was shown. No it wasnt the PS3 version. One 'official' Ps3 mag claims it was PS3 version snuck a look by EA. Like it was some first look. Type in on Google Crysis 2 PS3 version. Noone has seen it at all. Type in Crysis 2 360 version and you have all these websites who have viewed it on the same day that apparantly one PS3 mag saw it on the PS3.

So PC media say they saw it same day on a 360, Other PS3 media ( apart from one mag ) saw it on 360. And everyone here thinks I'm pulling BS out of arses. The screens are 360. The showing were 360.

Here is my link to PS3 version search. LOL. It even comes up with on first page the 360 version. No PS3 version comments except question and answer with devs and forum talk.

Next is my search for just Crysis 2 showing, no particualr version. LOL. See that actual websites and media who have seen it running IN FEBREUARY the so called same day the PS3 version was shown to this 1 magazine? LOL. Even PC media comes up in the 360 search because they have also been shown the 360 version. What do you know Raz was right. Seems 1 PS3 magazine is a bit of a liar.

And following is proof only 360 version was shown in February.

The link above is the 'EXACT same screens from the so called PS3 mag'. Shown the same day. Just the PC magazine editor openly admits it was demoed on the Xbox 360 and also says the screens are from that version. Whereas this 1 PS3 mag claims it was PS3 version. LOL. He has now been served.

More proof. 360 version shown.



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slowburn said:
Packie said:
slowburn said:
These are old and they were already confirmed as PS3 screenshots. Ign has them posted as PS3 screenshots as well.

This game was developed on the PS3.

Don't you have any more low res Alan-Wake pics you can post?


What? are you sure that Crysis 2 began devolepment in PS3. If so post a link to prove it because Im pretty sure that the leading platform is the PC not PS3.

when vgchartz first posted these pics out of some magazine a couple months ago, the article stated that these were ps3 screens and I believe it said that the PS3 was the lead console

and if im wrong, just know that I am a horrible person that doesn't deserve to live

LOL. A PC magazinr openly admits the same day he saw the game running and printwed the same pics in this lying PS3 mag. PC editor claims it's the 360 version and thats what was shiown in Feb. Seems PC guy is telling truth, and PS3 mag was found out. Major LOL.

joeorc said:
DirtyP2002 said:

it is crazy to see how people just do not want them to be Xbox 360 screenshots.

I do not think that is the case at all, the point being The OP is saying that the only screen's out there are fhe xbox360's only, which is not the Case at all.

IGN had already put up the screen's for the PS3 also. which is exctly like these screen's. so if anything it's the exact same screen shot's. that's the point.

it's not just the xbox360's.


Ive provided multiple links and reasons why this PS3 mag is lying. And even PC magazine from Frbruary with the exact same pics says it's 360 version. LOL. PC mag tells the truth, PS3 mag found out. LOL.

none will believe you until thay play it here

It is obviously VERY pretty, big, not aliazed, and well, it is a technicall marvel.
but, sincerely, right now, it is about as generic as the first one.

If only they could give us STALKER art with Crisis scale/perfection, it would be amazing.
It is like the more advanced technology is given to the less interesting settings ...

And about the PC/360/PS3 stuff ... wait and see until someone prove (really I mean) the PS3 mag was lying and that the PS3 got the inferior version.

Time to Work !

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selnor said:
joeorc said:
DirtyP2002 said:

it is crazy to see how people just do not want them to be Xbox 360 screenshots.

I do not think that is the case at all, the point being The OP is saying that the only screen's out there are fhe xbox360's only, which is not the Case at all.

IGN had already put up the screen's for the PS3 also. which is exctly like these screen's. so if anything it's the exact same screen shot's. that's the point.

it's not just the xbox360's.


Ive provided multiple links and reasons why this PS3 mag is lying. And even PC magazine from Frbruary with the exact same pics says it's 360 version. LOL. PC mag tells the truth, PS3 mag found out. LOL.

so let me get this straight, one magazine is lying the other is telling the truth..?

You know IF he print's false Information in the magazine , they could be liable for breaking NDA, or other said information leaked to the public without express OK from EA.

so let's ignore the information from the Mag , about the SUIT with commont's from Yuri abouit How the suit interact's with the player while the player play's the game, what the effect's are. Where did the information come from so the magazine could print it.?

so are you going to Say EA ..said "just use the xbox360 build"?

yea no SCREEN'S are out there of the PS3 build:

please get off your High Horse!, before you kill it, or whip it to death, beside's should'nt you be signing over the deed to your house because you lost a bet or something/





100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

How can these be from Xbox version when they are full HD? Is this game supposed to run in native 1080p which Xbox can't pull of?

They are bulletshots and most likely from either PC version or just renders (doesn't matter which engine, they won't run at this quality anyway).

MY HYPE LIST: 1) Gran Turismo 5; 2) Civilization V; 3) Starcraft II; 4) The Last Guardian; 5) Metal Gear Solid: Rising

joeorc said:
selnor said:
joeorc said:
DirtyP2002 said:

it is crazy to see how people just do not want them to be Xbox 360 screenshots.

I do not think that is the case at all, the point being The OP is saying that the only screen's out there are fhe xbox360's only, which is not the Case at all.

IGN had already put up the screen's for the PS3 also. which is exctly like these screen's. so if anything it's the exact same screen shot's. that's the point.

it's not just the xbox360's.


Ive provided multiple links and reasons why this PS3 mag is lying. And even PC magazine from Frbruary with the exact same pics says it's 360 version. LOL. PC mag tells the truth, PS3 mag found out. LOL.

so let me get this straight, one magazine is lying the other is telling the truth..?

You know IF he print's false Information in the magazine , they could be liable for breaking NDA, or other said information leaked to the public without express OK from EA.

so let's ignore the information from the Mag , about the SUIT with commont's from Yuri abouit How the suit interact's with the player while the player play's the game, what the effect's are. Where did the information come from so the magazine could print it.?

so are you going to Say EA ..said "just use the xbox360 build"?




It's simple. Every research via google, or Bing fr instance when trying to find PS3 version shown in February has none. It even actually comesup with 360 version shown under PS3 search but no PS3 version shown. And PC mags tell they were shown 360 version in Feb. Other PS3 media say 360 version shown. PC mag fwith the exact same scans as PS3 mag say it was 360 verion shown. IT's one magazine claiming they are PS3 screens. Do they actually say PS3 screens in the PS3 article? Or is it they didnt say anything and people are assuming it was PS3 version even though many reports say otherwise.

aragod said:
How can these be from Xbox version when they are full HD? Is this game supposed to run in native 1080p which Xbox can't pull of?

They are bulletshots and most likely from either PC version or just renders (doesn't matter which engine, they won't run at this quality anyway).

Just so you know, the 360 can do native 1080p. It's up to the dev if they can do that with their engine. It's probably an upscaled image though. As Crytek have said it will probably be 720p on 360 and PS3.

selnor said:
otoniel said:
DaColdFlash said:
Sorry but those are PC Screenshots. And to the pics: damn thats gonna eat a lot ram!!

those are 360 screenshots

No. Someone kindly pointed out at Gamersyde the rest of these shots released the same day, from the 360 version. As the 360 is the only version to be shown yet, even to PC gaming magazines. It's safe to say all Crysis 2 stuff is 360 until PS3 and PC versions are shown to media.

Full screenshot release from that day is here.

Several of these screens are 8+ megapixels.