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slowburn said:
Packie said:
slowburn said:
These are old and they were already confirmed as PS3 screenshots. Ign has them posted as PS3 screenshots as well.

This game was developed on the PS3.

Don't you have any more low res Alan-Wake pics you can post?


What? are you sure that Crysis 2 began devolepment in PS3. If so post a link to prove it because Im pretty sure that the leading platform is the PC not PS3.

when vgchartz first posted these pics out of some magazine a couple months ago, the article stated that these were ps3 screens and I believe it said that the PS3 was the lead console

and if im wrong, just know that I am a horrible person that doesn't deserve to live

LOL. A PC magazinr openly admits the same day he saw the game running and printwed the same pics in this lying PS3 mag. PC editor claims it's the 360 version and thats what was shiown in Feb. Seems PC guy is telling truth, and PS3 mag was found out. Major LOL.