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Forums - Gaming Discussion - you know you are a geek when ....

you go into a very quite place and wish there is a background music in it that you can listen to..

thats exactly what happened to me....

I live for the burn...and the sting of pleasure...
I live for the sword, the steel, and the gun...

- Wasteland - The Mission.

Around the Network

I thought that was normal.

It's funny because my friend has wired his house up to be just like that xD


I always have music playing, but I live alone, and it just feels so empty without... something

you know your geek when upon every success you hum the FF victory fanfare at the top of your lungs while striking a pose

Around the Network

You know you're a geek when you start fearing lag in real life.

you know that you are a geek when you are on vacation in a beatiful location and are amazed by the graphics.

you know that you are a geek when you mean to say "when I'm 18" and instead you say "When I'm level 18"


you think of seven of nine when spanking the monkey (the character not Jeri Ryan)


 assumption is the mother of all f**k ups 

you know your a geek get stuck on a wall in real life



you know your a geek when... you find yourself lining up headshots on people