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Forums - Sales Discussion - Toys 'R ' Us Sunday Wii MADNESS


Im 15 I dont have $250buks to throw around every day.


Around the Network

At my ebgames...all wii were sold out in 30 minutes.
They got 38 Wii's a 9 and at ten...all were gone.
I cannot find the fu***** wii zapper but i purchased Umbrella chronicles...
At least 50 persons were there for few games like:Medal of honor heroes 2 wii,RE:UC,Mario Galaxy were sold out(i got mine),some of the people there(im in) was looking for Guitar Hero 3 was sold out.

Wii ware-Fatal Frame 4-Street Fighter 4-Sonic Unleashed-guitare hero 3-Disaster-wii fit-mario kart-Sadness-Games who actually use Wii Board...i dont know but, seem big enough for me.By the way,im a proud owner of P.E.S 2008  Wii and it kill all the other soccer game.

My Wii code:3553-1619-3236-0339

my Brawl Code:0860-2912-9428

Another friend just called me from the Orange Park Fl TRU (where I was at 9am). It's not crazy now, there are people shopping for Wii games, but the line and crowd has died down since they are long sold out of the Wii's. It looks like they had approximately 150-200 consoles. Sold out in less than 2 hours.

The game situation is looking pretty empty currently, though my friend said they were restocking "for display only" boxes. I will check them out again this week on new release day before the sale ends. I don't know if he is going to get what he went in for, he might have to try early in the week upon restock.

I wonder if they will hold off putting new releases out until after the B2G1F sale is over. I hope not :)

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709

@leo-j How is someone who is only 15 already so jaded and mad? Is it a Miami thing?

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709


Im just in a bad mood that is all :D


Around the Network

This sucks. I was going to go this afternoon and pick up some games but it seems everything will be sold out. I don't understand stores. If they didn't have the stock why have a sale?

This is my signature.

davidwes said:
This sucks. I was going to go this afternoon and pick up some games but it seems everything will be sold out. I don't understand stores. If they didn't have the stock why have a sale?

It runs till Wednesday and they will restock.  I would check there on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Anyone have try price matching at Best buy for the buy 2 get one free sale? They were price matching the $25 gift certificate with Mario last week.

Damn. I wish i could have a nintendo retail store in Poland. The only company that doesn't have any representation.

Deep into the darkness pearing

Long i stood there




david are you looking at what the original post said

they had 100-150 wii's in stock...

and all sold out in under 2hrs...and everyoen bought 4-5 games with said purchase....

they stocked up. they just sold it all- damn