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Forums - Sales Discussion - Toys 'R ' Us Sunday Wii MADNESS

I was told that Best Buy will price match the 2 for 1 deal.....they dont. My TRU was out of pretty much every game. The kid at the store told me they got 130 and they were sold out quickly.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

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densiyrex said:



Don't tell me zack and wiki is not selling ?


We should make our own billboards if capcom wont ( I gotta wait till januari for my copy thank you NOE)

 It's not selling.">">

I made it to toys-r-us this morning, and it was already getting picked over. I did manage to come up with 6 games, but it wasn't easy... ended up including petz horsez for my daughter (and it wasn't on her wish list, but she is really into horses...), and picked out some of my own Christmas presents (including two that were low priority, so I guess I know what I am getting for Christmas)...

There were several Zack and Wiki's left. Not as many left as some games, but definitely wasn't moving as fast as others. I did recommend it to one person who was trying to pick out 3 games.

Was there maybe 20 minutes trying to decide, and at least 4 people asked if there were any wiis in stock and when they should get them. The store personnel always said Sunday morning, and to get there before they open, etc... At least one said they don't need one that badly to go to that much effort.

After looking at how much I spent and not getting all top titles on my shopping list... I probably should of just picked up 3 games even though it would of meant 2 for $50 and only getting $40 off instead of getting a $40 off and a $50 off. Stupid sale, ticks me into buying more than I need...

Bodhesatva said:
densiyrex said:



Don't tell me zack and wiki is not selling ?


We should make our own billboards if capcom wont ( I gotta wait till januari for my copy thank you NOE)

It's not selling.

 Start pushing it Bod, you can make a difference!!!

I didn't buy it either, however, I start working at EB next week and I'll so what I can to push it.

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Any word on Canadian ToyRUs? How did they do?



Same deal here, I posted so in Bod's  B2G1 thread in the Ninty forum. I went to the nearest TRU in Columbus OH (still ~45 minutes from my home) Sunday evening and the Wii aisle and new release case were pretty much wiped out. I went there with dreams of GH3, Strikers, MP3, and some other games I'd missed, but no dice. I did score Fire Emblem, BWii, and RRR2 on one puchase, then bought Zak & Wiki, NFS: Carbon, and Monkey Ball on another. This afternoon I logged onto to see if I could get the new releases that weren't in stock at the brick-and-mortar, and shows all the hot titles as being out of stock as well. I did manage Sonic & the Secret Rings, RE 4, and MK: Armaggedon out of the $29.99 price range online, but that was it. Should set myself and my son up for Christmas pretty well (9 games in 2 days -- $100 worth free).

The cashiers in the video games dept said the line started up at 3:30 am Sunday morning. By the time my wife and I got there (around 4 or 5 in the evening), the employees had just given up leaving the security case locked. There were still plenty of people there anyway picking over the scraps, and there was one woman there with a stack of 12 or 15 games, virtually every single animated movie/shovelware title in the $19.99-$29.99 range.


Holy crap... Who said Wii software doesn't sell? Damn... No wonder Nintendo has a software production shortage. They knew this was going to happen?

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

leo-j said:

Im 15 I dont have $250buks to throw around every day.

 Wow. I would have guessed 12.


i just read the first few posts, but just wanted to let everyone know. That I had someone pick me up some wii games on Sunday at TRU while I was a work and the sales rep told my friend they had a 100 wii's and they were all gone in about 10-15 minutes. And she also said all the major nintendo titles were gone by noon. I know people at work trying to get their hands on them still. My friend said it was a mad house there.