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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Unknown beautiful girls thread.

Ah you like thick woman, with curves gotcha. I like both types, but I prefer skinner women.

PSN ID: KingFate_

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Er, not going to post any pics of any of my old friends or people I knew but I have to put my two cents in:

About many girls needing a few more pounds, I agree. Most of them strive to be way too skinny for their height but anyway, ribs showing doesn't always equals too skinny. My ribs and hip bones stick out a lot but according to bmi, I'm close to overweight *rolls eyes*. Anyway, unless I was really overweight, it would still show.

But I know what you meant. Skinny thin doesn't always equal healthy and who wants a sick girl? >_<

Oh and no idea why the person above me called the woman in your pic thick... Her stomach's flat and she seems at a good weight for her shape. O_o If that's thick then I wonder what I'd consider thick is for him.

For me it is, I am 5ft6 or 5ft 7 and 130 lbs.

PSN ID: KingFate_

Okay, she's not your ideal size, but she's not fat. o_o

I mean, you're not that tall and you're quite light, for a guy. Heck, I'm smaller and a bit heavier than you! XD

Yep, my metabolism keeps me from gaining weight, and it eats away on muscle build up too. It's a gift/curse.

PSN ID: KingFate_

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There is nothing wrong with lovehandles (that readhead looks fiiiine ), but I think skinny girls can be fine too. But I think my threshold for when someone becomes too big is low, though no where near that of KingFate

Yea, I gotta keep a low bar for that. I do not want to be crushed.

PSN ID: KingFate_

bugrimmar said:

i dare. :D 

c'mon, this is just a thread for the appreciation of 'normal' girls. it's not for spy purposes, and the girls who put pics on the net aren't members of the KGB or MI6. it's just for fun :)

trashleg = scottish beauty ;) (which castle is in this pic btw?)

its a chapel at Edinburgh Castle, if i recall correctly. cant see much though eh? i've got some better ones somewhere :)

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.

I gotta say rain, I have nothing agasint that chick it's just I prefer smaller woman.

PSN ID: KingFate_

trashleg said:
CommonMan said:
trashleg said:
Rath said:
I must admit I find this thread rather creepy.

*backs slowly out of thread*

i kind of agree, i mean its one thing to use public photos of celebrities to admire them, because they're kind of public entities. but posting pics of real-life girls you don't even know.. thats strange. what if they ever stumbled across this?


i know lots of realy pretty girls, but im not posting any of their pics here for you guys to drool over :)

Hmm. . . **looks at trashleg's sig** Wot do I see? @_@

that, Sir, is me x 3

Do you loose a picture each time you die?