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Forums - General Discussion - Man turns into a tree (Real)!

it reminds me of the flying dutchmans crew in pirates of the carribean... this wierds me out so much

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I just finsihed watching the program on The Discovery Channel about it.

His immune system severely lacked white blood cells and could not cope with the warts, leading to what looked like tree branches growing from his hands.

It certainly made for some slightly uncomfortable viewing.


He does seem like such a nice calm bloke but doesn't he, hope he gets cured.

If I had trees (or warts, whatever) growing out of my hands and feet I would not take it nearly as well as he has. Hope he does get better....or goes to a small island where they will worship him as the god of the forest and satisfy his every earthly desire in attempts to keep him and the forest creatures happy...

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

thats messed up on so many levels...I'm glad the guy is getting help at least...I can't imagine how scary that would be....all that crap growing on you would have to feel sort of like being slowly eaten alive....ewe =P

Not to mention how frightening it would be in those circumstances where there aren't hospitals and doctors that everyone has access to. I think the reason he is so mellow has to do with at some point he came to terms with the idea that he could die from it and I don't think he is willing to let himself have hope until he sees visible improvement....even then it would be hard to let go of the fear I would think.

To Each Man, Responsibility
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I just can't imagine how he could ever look normal again. How can there be hands under all that?

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

Thats messed up, surley his hands could get pruned back a bit.


One of the greatest epiphanies in life is that of all the emotions that humans experience. Empathy is the only one that seems to be truly unique to our species. Not only can we understand the pain of another, but we feel pain in response. Watching others suffer causes us to suffer.

That might bring that person greater strength and hope knowing that others are concerned for their well being. Even though he may never meet them in real life.

The_vagabond7 said:
If I had trees (or warts, whatever) growing out of my hands and feet I would not take it nearly as well as he has. Hope he does get better....or goes to a small island where they will worship him as the god of the forest and satisfy his every earthly desire in attempts to keep him and the forest creatures happy...


And play the flute for the bunnies!

Dodece said:
One of the greatest epiphanies in life is that of all the emotions that humans experience. Empathy is the only one that seems to be truly unique to our species. Not only can we understand the pain of another, but we feel pain in response. Watching others suffer causes us to suffer.

That might bring that person greater strength and hope knowing that others are concerned for their well being. Even though he may never meet them in real life.


Not true Elephants, mourn their dead and sometimes bury the dead with branches and flowers. Im sure other animals do to. What makes humans different is opposable thumbs.

I pretty sure that we are the only species that kill each other for fun.