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Forums - Gaming Discussion - A friend thinking of getting a 360 or PS3, which one and what games?

So my wife has a friend who decided she likes the idea of Bioshock and even wants to play it, problem is she doesn't have a PS3 or 360 and I sold my copy of Bioshock long ago.  Because of this, there's a slight chance she might try to get one a 360 or PS3 and she might ask me for advice.

I've thought it over a little and I don't know which I should advise her to get.  I know she wants Bioshock and will probably want Bioshock 2 at some point.  I also know she's interested in Heavy Rain and when I told her about Mass Effect she liked the idea of that too.

Finally, she likes movies but probably isn't big on buying BluRays, though she could Netflix them.  She probably doesn't want to pay for Live but I'm also pretty sure she has that gadget that already lets her watch Netflix Watch Instantly on her TV so Netflix shouldn't be that much of an issue for her.

So just curious, are there any non-JRPG games out there she might be interested in?  Above all else she likes story and writing but I don't ever see her getting into anything like Lost Oddyssey or Metal Gear Solid 4.  She knows the ending of Bioshock and that interested her, she likes that Heavy Rain is like a movie, and Mass Effect just sounded interesting to her.

I actually really think she'd like survival horror but Resident Evil 5 doesn't sound like her type of game and from what I've heard Silent Hill isn't that good and I wouldn't want to inflict that on her.

So suggestions on games?

  • No uber hard-core games like Halo, Demon's Soul, Metal Gear Solid 4, God of War
  • No JRPG's
  • The more like a movie the better
  • Well written games
  • She'd probably enjoy games like Little Big Planet or Viva Pinata, probably Viva Pinata more
  • Online doesn't matter
  • Both systems have Bioshock, don't tell me one is better than the other
  • She'd like Heavy Rain and Mass Effect

Please don't come in spouting off the above no-no games as reasons for purchase and leave the console war stuff out please.  Just trying to give a friend helpful advice and I honestly don't know which to tell her to get if she asks me which one.


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Heavenly Sword, maybe the female lead will strike a chord with her?

Uncharted 2, braid, Assassins Creed 2

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Talk to her about Buzz.

I'm sure she would love the games. And she would enjoy it a lot with friends too (even those who are not into games).
One of my favorite franchise on PS3.

darthdevidem01 said:
Heavenly Sword, maybe the female lead will strike a chord with her?

Uncharted 2, braid, Assassins Creed 2

I don't see her liking Heavenly Sword, too much of a game for her though I forgot about Uncharted.


We have a friend who has all the Buzz games and controllers and it's fun, but since they have it...

Uncharted 2 is very movie like, mass effect is on pc. I'd say go with the triple

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

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leatherhat said:
Uncharted 2 is very movie like, mass effect is on pc. I'd say go with the triple

lol I doubt she has a PC that would run Mass Effect.  Remember, most people don't have gaming machines and have computers that are good at running Office and an internet browser...and not much else.

But yeah, I completely forgot about Uncharted (kicks myself), unless I can think of some other stuff for the 360 that compare I'd probably go with PS3 for her then.


twesterm said:
leatherhat said:
Uncharted 2 is very movie like, mass effect is on pc. I'd say go with the triple

lol I doubt she has a PC that would run Mass Effect.  Remember, most people don't have gaming machines and have computers that are good at running Office and an internet browser...and not much else.

But yeah, I completely forgot about Uncharted (kicks myself), unless I can think of some other stuff for the 360 that compare I'd probably go with PS3 for her then.


No problem, and tell her to look into it, mass effect doesn't have the strictest of requirements. If she has a newer computer she might be able to play it

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

she would love the uncharted series. infamous has a decent story. LBP is always a females favorite. bayonetta is multiplat, female main character.

I really dont see her enjoying mass effect if she wouldnt like mgs4. I know they are different but there are quite a few similarities.

I'd have her look into uncharted and alan wake, whichever of those two games looks more interesting to her, buy that system.

PS3 seems the way to go...

Movie-like games:
Heavy Rain
Uncharted 2

She could end up getting into Blu-ray, a lot of the BR's are cheap now (at least in the UK they are).

Oh, and she might like Dead Space too.



Is she comfortable with controllers? Jumping in to a dual analog FPS or a cover based 3PS where almost every button has dual uses might be a bit much for someone who is brand new to gaming.

I'd suggest the new Prince of Persia. It's funny, the story is interesting, it looks nice and it can be a challenge but isn't punishing.